Doctor, Teacher, Others Seek Better Policies For Child Protection

children of North EastThe Chief Medical Director of Oasis Children Hospital, Port Harcourt, Dr. Appolous Josiah has described stealing and abduction of children as a criminal act. Josiah disclosed that some persons steal children for economic purpose, while others involved in the illicit act are people who have failed to accept child adoption as an alternative way of being parents.

The doctor also stressed the need to explore the avenue of In vitro fertilization (IVF) saying most people prefer stealing babies in pretence that they are pregnant than following the legitimate method of IVF or child adoption. “It is a criminal act to steal babies, some people do it because of the economic benefits as they exchange the children for money.

Sadly, some people have make it a source of livelihood, but that is greed and evil” He advised parents to be more security conscious over their children always, adding that the older children can be given a password before they leave the house.

In the same vein, a  mother and school owner, Mrs. Emelia Akpan has attributed the increasing children kidnapping to part of the ongoing corruption in the country which the present administration need to address headlong. He pointed out that due to the economic situation in the country, both parents now leave their children in the hands of housemaids in search of daily bread.

She however called on government to initiate policies that would enable working parents to have more time for their wards. Akpan also reasoned that companies should consider building of daycare centres in their premises to enable mothers go to work with their wards.

“Children suppose to stay with their parents till the age of eight years. In my school, I encourage staff to bring their children to the boarding house and live their with them, because it is only a mother that can take care of the child no matter how good the house maid is” “There is no more conscience in this country. In the past you hardly hear case of child stealing for any purpose,” Akpan said.

