Do not doubt! – Part 1

Lawrence Achudume
You are to open the day with a prophetic worship confession, but oftentimes, people open their day with wrong words and wrong confessions. Our God places great value on words. He made Heaven and earth by words. He expects us to speak what we want to be done.

Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you: Numbers 14:28
When believers say wrong words and they manifest, they look for the devil to blame or they become accusers of both the devil and brethren. We must guard our mouths and use it rightly.

Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands? Ecclesiastes 5:6

Select your words because they determine your day.

And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.

Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. James 3:6, 10

Many believers carry yesterday’s problem or challenge into today and tomorrow. They carry on with the complaint they had yesterday. As they woke up in the morning, they continued with it from where they stopped yesterday. They poison their zeal and enthusiasm to fight the day’s battle with yesterday’s problem. Even though they prayed before they went to bed, but when they woke up, they carried the old problem and not the answer because of unbelief in our God Who answers prayers.

Unbelief is dangerous. It leads to deception, which leads to destruction. Jesus performed many miracles, convincing people of His identity, so they could have a basis to believe in Him. Before His return, the anti-Christ, empowered by Satan, will be loosed on earth and a time of great deception and apostasy will occur.

Those people who hate the truth will buy into his deception, precipitating their ultimate destruction. Meanwhile, believers must stand firm, holding tightly to the truth in a world of falsehood and deliberate deception. The church must always be on guard declaring the truth to see the truth.

If you will command and rule your day, you must believe what God has said about you and say it to God, not to the situation and expect the result. Sometimes, we speak to and talk about the problem, instead of speaking about what we want to see. God saw darkness in Genesis chapter one, but He said, let there be light and light came. Speak what you believe and want to see. It is with the heart that we believe and with our mouth, we confess, declare them unto result.

For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:10

Is it not strange that Prophet Elijah told wicked Ahab to go, eat and drink, for I hear the sound of abundance and he went, ate and drank waiting for the rain? He didn’t ask, “From where will the rain come from because there has been famine or where the sign of the rain is?” He heard the Prophet once and went home, obeyed and believed, but the Prophet’s servant had to go seven times before he believed it was about to rain. Is this not the true character of many born again Christians, who always want proof and certainty? No wonder the servant’s name was not written for us to know.

Victory Life Bible Church Intl., Km. 9, Olabisi Onabanjo Way, Opp. Ogtv, Ajebo Abeokuta.  P.O.Box 1537, Sapon, Abeokuta 110001, Ogun State Nigeria, W/Africa Www.Vlbcinternational.Org



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