Dividends Of Democracy Awards debuts

To honour and encourage Nigerian leaders who had demonstrated honesty, hard work, love and care for the citizens according to their oath of office and respect for the constitution, Dividends of Democracy Awards, an initiative rested on transparency, accountability, integrity and leadership abilities displayed by all public officers and politicians is set to hold in Abuja.

According to the coordinator, Mr. Rufus Oba, the awards, which would hold on June 15, 2022, would be based on merit, achievements, projects and programmes, among other things to better the lives of Nigerians.

He said: “The best definition of democracy is government by the people and for the people. Going by this fact, it shows that the people are key to choosing or electing their representatives, hence these award for Nigerians to vote through a dedicated SMS platform and online to score their representatives in all political positions on how well they had performed and if they truly deserve another chance, based on successes recorded to uplifting lives and the society, what impact they had made so far in improving lives and communities.”

Oba further said the awards would also be a good avenue for Nigerians to vent their anger and displeasure on politicians and policies that are anti-people, while politicians who have performed well would also be encouraged.

He added: “The essence of any good government is to work side by side with its citizens to provide a conducive environment for the citizens to realise their dreams and goals, making available at least the basic necessities of life – water, shelter, electricity, healthcare and food at affordable prices, as well as protect lives and properties and provide a peaceful atmosphere.”

He also noted that the award was powered by Nigerians of all ages. “It is the people’s choice award. It will serve as a report card for the politicians and as a scorecard for the electorate, starting with the local government chairmen all across the country to the States’ Assembly members to both National Assemblies, Ministers etc.”

Oba, however, emphasised on the credibility and authenticity of the awards. “This awards will be worthy and well sought after as Nigerians will be given the opportunity to speak out their minds during the voting exercise. Renowned and experienced journalists and activists, chosen market women and some students from across Nigeria will make up a team of people to verify, confirm claims of projects and programmes of the highest voted for politicians for the awards.

“The beauty of this national mini election is based on first performance and impact made by Nigerians of all ages and are eligible to vote as there is no age restriction or status or limit to age unlike the INEC conducted elections. You can vote from the comfort of your homes, schools, markets and business places not traveling distances away from your communities, free from the sun heat but at your convenience. More so, voting will last for 30 days for the electorate to properly assess the politicians.”


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