Disobedience brings sorrow, shame and reproach

I am Sister Gift Luke, I joined the Lord’s Chosen in 2010. Last Tuesday, l came back from morning-cry and began to pray, asking God to give me a testimony. God turned around and said He has done a lot for me, but I have not testified. I said, l have testified in my branch, but He said l should testify at the headquarters, so that, the whole world would hear it.

My testimony:
It happened in 2014, when l saw our G.O in a revelation and he said my daughter, go and preach the gospel, go and make sure that my house is clean, go and visit my people, whatever problem they share with you and whatever counsel you give to them will solve their problems. And in case of any problem, call me with this number, (he called his phone number for me). I woke up and found out it was in a dream. I thought it was an ordinary dream, so, l did not take it seriously and therefore did not obey the instructions given. Owing to my disobedience, my family and l began to suffer terribly. There was no money to pay house rent and to feed became a very difficult challenge. Since we were unable to pay our house rent, my family had to relocate to my husband’s undeveloped land. We construct a tent with tarpaulin and began to sleep there. We lived there for six years, until a day, I took my children to school and as l was returning home, l saw a man who said to me, “stubborn woman, go and do the work of God.” I said am doing the work of God already, but he said no! He said l should go and preach the gospel and that my family was suffering because I had refused to preach the gospel. It was at that point that l remembered the revelation and then summoned courage and began to preach.

One week I started preaching the gospel, one of my brothers who had turned deaf ears to my plead for him to help me suddenly called me and asked after my welfare and that of my children. He ended up awarding scholarship to my daughter to study from nursery to secondary school. Moreover, they (my brothers) combined to pay for a befitting accommodation for my family in a more decent area. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!

In ddition, when I was pregnant of my second son, l fell and the head of my baby in the womb moved to my back. Doctors and nurses for five days did all they could to return it to my womb, but to no avail. However, at the night of that five days, l saw the angel of our G.O. come to me and said, l should declare whom I am. I did that, and God manifested Himself and the baby’s head came back to its rightful position. I delivered the baby, safe and sound.

Praise the Lord!
Moreover, l discovered that in my husband’s family, they have more women and a few men, so, l asked God to give me more boys than girls and God answered by giving me four boys and one girl. P-r-a-i-s-e, the lord!
May all glory be unto the lord in Jesus’ name.
I pray for the G.O and all the Chosen worldwide, heaven at last in Jesus name.


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