Develop a high trust and loyalty quotient

Lanre Olusola

I am very BIG on TRUST & LOYALTY !!!
That’s why I strongly resonate with Simon Sinek’s message on how to build trust in an ever-changing environment. 

I’ve also studied a lot of SUCCESSFUL and high-profile people….. even though they want high performers – They would rather have LOYAL & TRUSTWORTHY people closer to them. 

True leaders ensure that they create an environment where trust and cooperation can thrive. This means that if leaders can create the right working environment, they can nurture extraordinary, trustworthy and cooperative people.

People place a higher value on people and companies they trust, even when things go wrong. This trust is earned by clearly communicating your WHY and by sharing your values and beliefs. 

You will find that most leaders accomplish their goals at record speed because they understand their WHY. They don’t just do things because they can, they do things because they have a deeper WHY guiding their decision. 

Let me share with you, the parable of a man who came across three bricklayers working.
He asked the first bricklayer what he was doing; the first bricklayer grumbled, “I’m laying bricks.” He asked the second the same question and got the reply, “I’m making money.” Lastly, he asked the third bricklayer, who replied in awe, “I’m building a cathedral.” 

All three men were doing the same work and probably had the same competence level. The first two men had a job. The third bricklayer had a calling.
With this parable, it’s easy to see the importance of starting with WHY, because you give your employees a cathedral.

When choosing a mentor, leader, coach, teacher etc, it’s important to pay attention to people who have and show the capacity to help you grow. This is the mark of true leadership. 

People often make the mistake of following the wrong leaders, in the pursuit of their goals. They fail to understand that the appearance of material things is not evidence of internal values and principles. 

It is important not to mistake sycophants for TRUSTWORTHY and LOYAL people or surround yourself with ass or boot-lickers. Th
Wow !!!!
This is a hard TRUTH to process and digest.
Audit the people around you and make the requisite adjustments. Most especially, family and friends, because they hold the highest influence. It takes courage to follow principles because it requires sacrifice and determination.
When you are doing your audit, pay attention to people who are good to high-medium performers of high TRUST value. The best leaders are high performers of very high TRUST. value.
Which of these 6 are you?
1) Low performance low TRUST value 
2) Low performance medium TRUST value 
3) Low performance high TRUST value 
4) High performance low TRUST value 
5) High performance medium TRUST value 
6) High performance high TRUST value 
If you’re not no 6 yet ask yourself;
What do I need to STOP doing to move up?
What do I need to START doing to move up?
What am I currently doing that’s of value that I must CONTINUE doing to move up?
You can take it one step further by taking the Trust Qoutient Test here.
I am Thé Catalyst


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