Delta to install solar energy in public hospitals

solar energy

Delta State Government, yesterday, gave approval for the installation of renewable energy (solar) in government hospitals across the state.

The Commissioner for Information, Mr. Charles Aniagwu, disclosed this while briefing journalists on decisions reached at the State Executive Council (Exco) meeting presided over by Governor Ifeanyi Okowa at the Exco Chamber, Government House, Asaba.

He said the renewable energy mix (solar panel), when installed, would enable the hospitals to meet up with their energy needs, adding that the cost of running a diesel generator had skyrocketed.

“We know that our facilities, especially the hospitals, are having challenges of inadequate power supply and the cost of running diesel generators have also skyrocketed.

“Consequent upon this development, we have decided to embrace renewable energy sources; this time around, the solar energy, to ensure we have power in our hospitals,”he said.

The commissioner said approval for the construction of a waterfront in Asaba and a six-lane dual carriage road leading to the waterfront was given by the state exco.

“Before now, we have seen the need to develop the waterfront here in Asaba. We also need to pay compensation to those who own lands by this water front; which is from Government House to Anwai River.

“We are also going to construct a six-lane dual carriage road for us to be able to drive straight to the waterfront. All these were approved at today’s exco,” Aniagwu stated.

He listed other approvals by the state Exco to include the construction of the second phase of Umunede/Ogwashi-Uku Road, otherwise know as Old Lagos/Asaba Road and the construction of the perimeter road of the Asaba International Airport, Asaba.


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