Delta tasks residents on solar energy

Solar energy
Delta State Commissioner for Energy, Chief Fred Obe, has urged Deltans and other citizens, who are currently not served or underserved by electricity power supply, to key into solar energy to enjoy a steady, clean and affordable power supply.

Obe made the call, yesterday, at the flag-off ceremony of Beebeejump Solar Energy.

The project, which is executed in collaboration with the Delta State government, aims to provide electricity to the un-served and underserved communities in the state, under the Federal Government’s five million solar connections initiative.

He noted that: a “Solar-based alternative electrification scheme was conceived to ameliorate the challenges faced by majority of the population in accessing public power supply”.
General Manager, Beebeejump Solar International Ltd, Timmy Shi, expressed concern over electricity challenges facing Nigerians, saying: “Over 92 million people are not connected to electricity in the country, after all.”

Shi, who is also the country Sale Director of the Chinese company with the motto: “Easy Life with Electricity”, said that Beebeejump was set to address the energy problems in Nigeria, by providing an alternative to electricity power supply.

While explaining the importance of solar energy and it usage, Shi said: “Solar is less expensive, …hence it is the best alternative solution to electricity.”

Also speaking, the Country Director, Mr. John ESO Imeme, said over 800,000 solar boxes have been installed across the country including Delta State, to improve on the country’s economy.

According to Imeme, Beebeejump Company is ready to connect grassroots dwellers with Solar light with high-quality of it products that would be easier for all persons to afford without straining their pockets.


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