Delta monarchs, stakeholders intervene in Clark/Okowa face-off

[FILES] Okowa

High-Level talks have commenced among monarchs, elders, the political class and other stakeholders on the face-off between former Governor of Delta State, Ifeanyi Okowa, and elder statesman, Edwin Clark, over appropriation of funds during the ex-governor’s eight-year tenure.

Already, the Delta Ethnic Nationalities Leaders Forum, led by Isaac Agbateyiniro, had established contact with the duo on the way forward. The state Traditional Rulers Council was not left out in efforts for an amicable resolution of the matter.

Recall that at the end of its last meeting, in Asaba, the council resolved to intervene in the matter by bringing both parties to a discussion table since politics is at the core of the misunderstanding between them.

In a three-point communiqué issued at the end of the meeting, the monarchs said the decision to intervene was based on calls for the council to restore normalcy.

The Chairman of the council said: ”Having critically reviewed the presentation by youths on the subject matter, council resolved to look into the issue.”

The Delta monarchs commended the youth leaders for their concern on the issue, particularly, for toeing the path of peace, saying that the council members were proud of Delta youths.

Earlier, the Coordinating Chairman of youth forum and President of Itsekiri National Youth Council, Weyinmi Agbateyiniro, described Clark’s attacks on Okowa as avoidable and unnecessary.

The youth leaders told the monarchs that they were at the secretariat to seek their intervention in the seeming inter-ethnic feud. Agbateyiniro said: “As youth leaders we cannot sit and watch things go wrong in our state. We see the former governor as our role model, because he paved way for youths to grow.

“We also see our foremost leader’s attacks and petition against Okowa as avoidable and unnecessary media trial of the former governor. We urge the council to intervene.”

Also, the monarchs received the state Commandant of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), John Omotosa, who was on advocacy visit to sensitise the monarchs on dangers of drug abuse. He solicited support of the monarchs towards combating the menace in the society.


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