Dating Off Social Media: More Harm Than Good?

Dating social media Photo Simply Andreea

One recent trend that keeps recurring in the Nigerian Twitter space is the messiness that follows the end of many relations among tweeps.

It has become a regular trend to wake up every other day to some drama caused by tweeps calling each other out for being or acting a certain way more often than not after the end of the relationship.

Sometimes, these accusations of domestic violence, assault, cheating are not made until months and even years after the relationship has ended. 

However, this brings to mind one critical question, is it safe for ardent Twitter users to continue relationships with other users? 

In all honesty, it would be impossible to ask one party to stay away from the other because they use a certain app. It would also be unreasonable to rule users not to date each other, especially since we live in a highly digitized world and most people meet each other off social media. 

But what if there was a better way to address this issue. 

Several studies have attributed social media to positive contributions in daily lives, noting that it is a great way to reduce loneliness. 

What can be considered as a tool for happiness can also double as a tool for misinformation, reputation tarnishing, and unhappiness in all. 

To decide on whether or not it’s better to find partners out to Twitter, Guardian Life spoke to 5 Nigerian youths on if they believed Twitter mutual should avoid dating each other? Here’s what they had to say: 

“Well, I don’t know, I met my boyfriend off Twitter, and we’ve had no problems so far. So I can’t say anything, but I see people complaining and calling out their exes. Maybe get to know anyone before entering a relationship with them will help?” – Joy. 

“Omo! There are bad people everywhere, whether you meet them on or off Twitter, I just believe that if your soul mate is your mutual, date them at your own peril. Just remember to keep us updated every step of the way and not when things go wrong.” – Peter.

“My first rule in relationships is that my partner and I don’t interact on social media. So I can’t date OOMF. And Twitter people like to make drama even when there’s none. I’ll just stay off, thank you.” – Victoria.

“Truth is many people take to social media to express their grief because they often have no one too. Or they want other people to steer clear of a certain person. What I have a problem with is those that do this to be petty and not for genuine reason. So I advise staying away in total, God no go shame us o.” – Bimbo.

“Yes, stop dating people off Twitter. The drama is sweet, but someone would always use it to insult you. Better stay safe.” 


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