DafriBank Digitial LTD continues tradition of philanthropy, raises $1bn for Russia-Ukraine war victims

As the world continues to condemn and hit Russia with gales of sanctions for invading Ukraine and at the same time showing overwhelming support and solidarity for Ukraine, an African Bank, DafriBank Digital LTD, has offered $1m for Africans, both students and permanent residents in the country affected by the destruction in Ukraine. The announcement was made by the bank’s chairman, billionaire investor and entrepreneur, Xolane Ndhlovu.

In a signed statement available online, Ndhlovu declared: “Through DafriBank, I’m donating the sum of one million dollars to Africans living in Ukraine/ Russia both returnees and those still in the conflict zone.”

While denouncing Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, the DafriBank Digital LTD chairman called on other companies, bodies, countries, groups and individuals to lend a helping hand to Ukrainians and other nationals affected by the war.

“At times like this, I feel that people and organisations that are in a position to help have a responsibility to do so in whatever ways are possible,” he said.

Xolane Ndhlovu further avowed that DafriBank Digital LTD’s commitment “is not only to provide you with great banking experience but to also be there for you in times of distress.”
This benevolent gesture follows a tradition of impact philanthropy by both the bank and its Chairman, Xolane Ndhlovu, who in the past donated R500, 000 to South Africa’s government during Covid-19, as well as donating relief materials to communities in Nigeria, his father’s country.

Xolane Ndhlovu, who has earlier explained that philanthropy is a core value and part of the business philosophy of the DafriGroup, the South Africa-registered parent company of DafriBank, claimed was driven “to do what I can to help, starting with fellow Africans who have lost their livelihood as a result of the conflict.”

