Curbing prostitution to save youths’ future


Society is said to be free when people residing within its territories are good both morally and otherwise. The hike in sexual engagements among youths is worrisome as it affects their ambitions as they are the future. The preponderant cases of rape and sexual harassments which women at tender ages encounter were as a result of uncontrollable sexual urge which males that are not well-trained indulge in to. As a result of parental and leaders’ negligence, young girls meant to be in school pursuing their educations are left to the mercy of prostitution for living. Prostitution starts from the moment one develops an idea of using his or her sexual organ to earn a living. There are huge number of guys that engage in prostitution not to pay but to be paid by independent women called ‘‘Sugar Mommies.’’

Prostitution is caused by many factors which include Forceful Marriage; some parents choose life-partners for their daughters based on wealth or promises made when couples to be are in infancy stage of life. Those teenage daughters prefer to runaway and live on their own in other cities than to marry the choices of their parents. Sadly, only few of them engage in fruitful ventures while the majority goes for prostitution to survive.

Furthermore, the maltreatment daughters receive after the death of their mothers from other father’s wives is also a major factor. Such girls are subjected to house chores like sweeping compound, washing utensils, cooking food and host of others; not allowed to relax but treated kindly in the presence of male parents. Peers lure friends in to whatever they do gradually. Prostitutes at times wear expensive attires, consume their desired cuisines and drive all sorts of cars which make shallow-thinking ladies take prostitution as fruitful venture and indulge in it. Parents are to act as watchdogs over activities of children initially from home.

To curb prostitution, Forceful marriage should be banned; women should be allowed to marry men they truly love in-so-far they are people of good characters and have one or more way of acceptable income so as not to be liability after the marriage. Extreme materialism must be discouraged; hawking is threat to girls’ dignity and lives, as they enroll in sex for money if what they are hawking are not sold. Co-wives should treat all daughters fairly because nobody knows what tomorrow holds.

Both male and female repented prostitutes should be put on skill acquisition so as to be self-employed and reunited with their families; relatives must be warned against stigmatising or intimidating them because that could compel them to re-engage the abandoned prostitution act. Inability of some parents in providing essentials for family members has forced daughters into prostitution. Therefore, parents should explore many work option; and leaders at all levels should financially support them. Religious preachers could play a big role in checking prostitution. Leaders can also make laws to discourage the menace and its sponsors.

Mukhtar Garba Kobi.


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