Court slams driver who hit policeman with six-count charge

The Lagos State Government has started the process of prosecution in court of the driver, Sunday Okodo, who knocked a policeman attached to the Lagos State Traffic Management Authourity (LASTMA), Headquarter Enforcement Unit over the Apakun Bridge. He was arraigned at Bolade Oshodi Magisterial Court yesterday.

General Manager, LASTMA, Olajide Oduyoye who disclosed this said that the suspect has been arraigned and slammed with a six-count charge that includes, driving against traffic, resisting arrest, reckless and dangerous driving, driving without a valid driver’s licence, assaulting a police officer and attempted murder. The suspect was not allowed to take plea on the attempted murder charge because the court has no jurisdiction on this, he would therefore be charged separately at a high court at a later date according to Oduyoye.

Okonedo pleaded guilty to all the other charges and the case was adjourned. He was remanded in Badagry prison with no bail condition attached. Oduyoye enjoined Lagos motorists to always abide by traffic laws or else, face the consequences of the law.
