Club celebrates Rotary International 117 years of existence

Past District Governor, Oluwanisomo Omoniyi (left); Change Maker President, Rotarian Biodun Bello; Deputy Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Police Command, DSP Kuti Stephen, District 9110 Governor Nominee, Rotarian Femi Adenekan and Past President, Rotary Club of Agege, Rotarian Agnes Olatubi at the event in Age, Lagos.
The President, Rotary Club of Agege, Rotarian Biodun Bello, has advanced the importance of parents creating time to monitor their wards if the dream to have a better Nigeria would actually come into reality.

The advice was given at the Peace and Conflict Resolution and Prevention month, organised by the Rotary Club of Agege as well as celebration ahead of Rotary International clocking 117 years of its existence with the theme: “How we can prevent conflicts and maintain peace in our society” which took place at Airport Hotel, Ikeja.

Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Command, CSP Adekunle Frederick Ajisebutu, who was the guest speaker, was represented by Deputy Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Police Command, DSP Kuti Stephen.

Bello reminded parents that charity begins at home and the fact that it behooves them to lay the necessary foundation of inculcating in their wards the right values from the cradle and Nigeria will be better for it.

“Today, we had the representative of CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu in the person of the Deputy Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Police Command, DSP Kuti Stephen, who dealt decisively with the topic: ‘How we can prevent conflicts and maintain peace in our society.’

“The topic as well as the presentation was impactful and educative.

“It was an interactive session which afforded members of the club to speak out what had been bothering them and the guest speaker succinctly addressed all the issues raised.

“Rotary also turns 117 years on February 23 and without exaggeration, its impact in the world has been tremendous. Rotary championed the eradication of Polio throughout the globe and has consistently been labouring to push malaria out of the world through giving of mosquito nets to women and pregnant women, as well as giving out of malaria kits, among others,” he said.

Bello disclosed that the club intends to partner with some Indian clubs to donate malaria drugs to Agege community and its environs, while some organisations too have been identified where malaria drugs would be donated the coming month.

He commended Rotarians for the giving of their talent, time, treasure and thinking to help the less privilege as he calls on Nigerians to join Rotary and also imbibe the 4-Way Rotary Test: Is it the truth; Is it fair to all concerned; Will it build goodwill and better friendship; Will it be beneficial to all concerned, adding that adoption of the 4-Way Rotary Test has the capacity of checkmating everybody and at the end of it all make the world as better place.


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