CIBN, NIBSS unveil scheme to upskill e-payment professionals

Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria

The Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) in collaboration with Nigerian Inter-Bank Settlement System Plc (NIBSS) has unveiled a professional certification programme on electronic payment to deepen skills in existing and emerging trends.
The three-level pragramme targets professionals, students who are interested in e-payment careers and other individuals with a yearning for knowledge in the different innovative areas of online banking.
The certification, which will be valid for three years, is open to employees of financial institutions and students of 65 universities affiliated with CIBN. Registrar/Chief Executive of the CIBN, Mr. Seye Awojobi, said arrangements would be made to enable student participants to take their examinations seamlessly.
Awojobi, who spoke at a hybrid event to unveil the institute, said the certification would deepen online payment, set industry standards for professionals and enhance a safe online payment ecosystem.
He said the training would focus on “skills required for the current realities, emerging trends and global best practices”. He described the initiative as an “intervention” to address the obvious skill gaps in the fast-growing smart payment.
According to him, the certification would further strengthen the country’s e-payment, which is already among the fastest-growing in the world. He listed the three levels as Certified e-Payment Associate (CePA), Certified e-Payment Professional (CePP) and Certified e-Payment Specialist (CePS). 
Awojobi also noted that to maintain its credentials, the e-payment practitioner must earn some recertification credits over the three years. He noted that capacity building has become necessary given the growing popularity of online transactions since COVID-19 outbreak.  
The Managing Director of the NIBSS, Premier Oiwoh said the certification was introduced to codify the Nigeria e-payments knowledgebase as well as determine the knowledge and work experience criteria required to recognise practitioners as beginners, intermediate and advanced. He noted that it would create a growth roadmap for fledgling e-payment workers, including the unemployed who have the desire to make a career in an evolving field within the emerging financial technology industry. 
Oiwoh said the Nigeria financial services industry has come a long way and is currently leading the pace globally and setting milestones. 
“This professional certification programme would, in no doubt, evolve as a specialist practice in setting the standards for e-payment expertise in e-payments and financial technology profession”, he said.


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