Cherry Ozoalor : Resilience, determination dictate a woman’s success

Cherry Ozoalor

Cherry Ozoalor, widely recognised as Cherry Entarfield, serves as the Managing Director and Chief Dentist Officer at Entafield Clinic, a distinguished modern dentistry establishment seamlessly merging traditional values of personalized patient care with cutting-edge technology.
She is not only a seasoned dental professional but also a passionate advocate of accessible healthcare. With an unwavering commitment to preserving the timeless values of patient-centred care, she has successfully led Entafield Clinic to become a beacon of modern dentistry, offering a warm and inviting atmosphere coupled with state-of-the-art technology.
Beyond her role at Entafield Clinic, Cherry is the driving force behind Entafield Foundation, a charitable initiative impacting the lives of over 3000 individuals across the country. Through the foundation, Cherry has spearheaded numerous dental health campaigns, providing free healthcare services to both adults and children.
Her dedication to community engagement extends beyond the confines of the clinic. Through collaboration with Non-Governmental Organisations and community-based initiatives, she actively works towards addressing oral health disparities and promoting peoples’ overall well-being.
As the Managing Director and Chief Dentist Officer at Entafield Clinic, Cherry embodies the spirit of compassionate leadership in dentistry.
Her dual commitment to providing exceptional dental care at the clinic and making a positive impact through charitable endeavours highlights her as a prominent figure in the dental community, dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those she serves.

How have you, as a woman in the predominantly male-led business of dentistry, navigated challenges to rise to the top of your field?
NAVIGATING the predominantly male-dominated field of dentistry as a woman has been a journey marked by resilience and determination. Firstly, I attribute my progress to faith and a strategic embrace of social media to amplify my presence and connect with a broader audience. A significant part of my success stems from an unwavering fearlessness; I have always been bold in pursuing my ideas. Whenever I envision a concept, I dive into it wholeheartedly, without hesitation or self-doubt. This approach, characterised by fearlessness, courage, and a deep-seated belief that I am destined for my chosen path, has been pivotal.

Additionally, I’ve leveraged what some may consider my ‘feminine side’—an innate tendency to nurture and genuinely care for others. This aspect of my personality has been integral to my practice, allowing me to offer services that go beyond mere transactions to truly care for my patients’ well-being. It’s this blend of professional audacity and compassionate care that has enabled me to ascend in my field, challenging norms and reshaping perceptions along the way.

In what ways can technology be leveraged to enhance patient care and also streamline business operations?
Certainly, the integration of technology into dentistry has revolutionized the way we operate, significantly enhancing both patient experience and clinical efficiency. One of the most notable advancements is the simplification of appointment bookings. Patients no longer need to make phone calls to schedule their visits, instead, they can conveniently book appointments through our website, streamlining the process and improving accessibility.

Moreover, technological innovations have transformed dental equipment, making it more user-friendly and effective. A prime example is the evolution of X-ray machines. What used to be a cumbersome process has now become seamless, thanks to portable X-ray technology.

This not only facilitates a smoother operational workflow for dental practitioners but also minimises discomfort for patients, making their experience more pleasant. Overall, technology has indeed made everything more efficient and improved the quality of dental care we provide.

Could you share insights into how you balance your professional responsibilities with the demands of fame and recognition?
Balancing professional responsibilities with the demands of fame and recognition is an evolving process for me, with no definitive endpoint. It’s a continuous learning journey where I strive to find equilibrium between the visibility that fame affords and the dedication required by my profession. Fame, in many ways, amplifies awareness around my work, attracting broader attention and opportunities. Simultaneously, my profession, which is built on years of study and ongoing education, demands a level of commitment and excellence to sustain and enhance the reputation that fame brings. It’s akin to a self-sustaining loop, where both elements feed into each other, requiring constant adaptation and good management to maintain harmony between these two aspects of my life.

How have you addressed gender disparities, both within the workplace and in patient care?
Regarding gender disparities, my experience has been fortunate in that I haven’t faced significant issues in this area, either within the workplace or in patient care. I strive to maintain a balanced approach, ensuring that both male and female perspectives are equally represented and valued in my practice. This balance allows for a more inclusive environment, where decisions and care protocols are informed by a diverse set of viewpoints, ultimately benefiting everyone involved.

Your philanthropic efforts are well documented. How do you ensure these initiatives empower women and girls in the communities?
In our philanthropic endeavours, we’ve consciously prioritised initiatives that specifically empower women and young girls, recognising that they are often among the most vulnerable and underserved in communities. Understanding the barriers they face, including financial constraints, we’ve tailored our efforts to offer support that directly addresses these challenges. For instance, we’ve provided complimentary Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) treatments to women in need, among other forms of assistance. By focusing on women and girls, our aim is not just to provide immediate relief but to foster an environment where they can thrive, recognising their potential to contribute significantly to their communities when given the right opportunities.

Reflecting on your journey, what were the pivotal moments that transformed your career from its humble beginnings to the successful position you hold today?
Reflecting on my career trajectory, a defining moment that significantly propelled me from humble beginning to my current success was the opportunity to collaborate with Mama Tega, a renowned and successful businesswoman. Her mentorship was invaluable; she not only served as a source of inspiration but also provided me with critical exposure and opened doors to new possibilities.

This experience was a turning point, setting the foundation for my growth and achievements in the industry.

Given the significant impact of your Foundation, how do you further its reach, particularly in supporting women’s health issues?
Our efforts to expand the reach of our Foundation, especially in the realm of women’s health, are ongoing and relentless. We focus on making a difference, whether it’s impacting one individual or two at a time. A notable instance was when we aimed to assist one thousand Nigerians, and it was predominantly women, especially from the market sector, who benefitted. These women, often unable to afford regular health check-ups or too consumed by their work to find the time, received our support. Currently, we’re gearing up to aid 2000 individuals, with a focus on ensuring that 80 per cent of them are women. While we seek external support to amplify our impact, we are committed to doing as much as our resources allow, striving to reach and assist as many people as possible in a meaningful way.

As a successful professional and leader, what advice does Cherry have for young women aspiring to make their mark in the business world?
My advice to young women aiming to carve out their success in the business world is anchored in self-belief and independence. It’s important to trust in their capabilities and not overly rely on the knowledge or strategies of others.
As aspiring professionals, they should follow their intuition and inner guidance, assuring them that with this approach, they will accomplish their goals. They should listen to their inner voice and let it guide them; they should find that they could indeed make things happen.

Technology plays a crucial role in modern dentistry. How do you stay ahead of technological advancements, and what innovations have you introduced into your business and career?
Staying at the forefront of technological advancements in modern dentistry is a dynamic and ongoing process. It involves relentless research and a willingness to adapt swiftly to new developments. Believing in our capability to integrate and evolve with technology is fundamental, I emphasise. To ensure we remain ahead, we proactively engage with leading companies within the industry, consistently reaching out to understand and explore the latest innovations. This approach not only keeps us informed but also allows us to introduce cutting-edge technologies into our practice, thereby enhancing our services and enriching my professional growth. Through this continuous cycle of learning, adapting, and implementing, we strive to offer the most advanced dental care solutions to our patients.

How do you integrate your passion for music with your professional and philanthropic endeavours?
Integrating my passion for music with my professional and philanthropic activities is an intrinsic part of who I am — a passion that simply cannot be extinguished. I’ve recognized that harmonising these aspects of my life requires deliberate effort and dedication. Consequently, I go the extra mile, often working additional hours and sacrificing sleep.

After fulfilling my obligations related to my career and studies, I carve out time specifically for music. This means I’m constantly engaged in a cycle of doing ‘extra extra’ work, but it’s a labour of love that enriches both my fulfillment and my ability to contribute meaningfully to the world around me.


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