‘Business journal to support growth’

The Acting Head of TMBC Media & Communication Limited Conferences, Rosemary Akele, has reiterated how the firm’s business magazine aims to support businesses and entrepreneurs in harnessing information that will facilitate business growth.

Akele, who spoke during a media parley, said that the TMBC Business Magazine, scheduled to be unveiled on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Lagos, would reinforce entrepreneurship, harness the power of data to drive informed decision-making, optimise operations, as well as raise fresh questions.

The conference would be preceded by a lecture by Dr Anne N. Odoh of Lagos Business School, titled, “Platforms: Their Strategic Importance in the Information Age for Leader Organisations.”

“The magazine would target C-suites executives and printed in gloss paper, having both online and physical editions. The writers, columnists and contributors are professionals with vast years of experience in business writing.

“The TMBC Business Magazine, a monthly publication, reflects the organisation’s clear desire to contribute its mite to the stable of eco-business journals.

“The journal will explore the prospects and the strategic information/intelligence in the numerals across the most critical sectors of the Nigerian economy over what it has identified as the most popular business timeframe,” she said.
