Buhari’s Leadership Style Is A Source of Inspiration To Honest Nigerians, Says Tsav


A cross section of Benue residents have scored President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration high on attainment of 100 days in office; even as they say his assumption of office as President is a source of inspiration to all honest Nigerians.

One of them, a retired Commissioner of Police and a social critic, Alhaji Abubakar Tsav told The Guardian that programmes embarked upon by the President showed that he is God sent and a gift to Nigeria and Nigerians as well as a pride to his family and friends.

Tsav who prayed to God to continue to grant Buhari abundant good health and the ability to carry on his good programmess for the good of Nigerians, however urged him to check the actions and utterances of his party men who are out to rubbish the wind of change.

He said even at a start, many Nigerians are proud of the President for his wonderful actions and do not regret voting for him. The social critic who doubles as the Federal Commissioner, Public Complaint Commission in Benue said Buhari’s proactive stride in curbing the insurgency by his visits to neighboring countries, the G7 meeting and USA has in no small measure seen the military making remarkable success in their war against Boko Haram.

While urging Nigerians not to use the delay in the appointment of ministers as a yardstick to assess Buhari on his 100 days in office, the elder statesman implored the people to look at the current performance of the various agencies of government as scoring points.

“Within this short time, the power supply situation in the country has improved, fuel supply is almost stabilise and the fight against corruption is yielding the desire results. Some looters are willingly surrendering part of their loot.

Still on governance, Tsav said Buhari’s delay in the appointment of ministers was deliberate style to receive briefings from permanent secretaries in order to acquaint himself with the situation on ground in the various ministries and agencies before appointing ministers.

In his view, the erstwhile General Secretary of Conference of Nigerian Political Parties, CNPP and a chieftain of the APC, Joseph Hemen Boko opined that President Buhari has started well on governance and urged Nigerians to heed to the President’s earlier plead that Nigerians should give him time to clear the rots.

On the President’s anti-corruption posture, Boko said rather than criticize the President, Nigerians should encourage his quest to fight corruption even more than what he is presently doing.

He posited that to him, Buhari’s stand on corruption is a welcome development; believing that if giving a chance, the president will surely get corruption roasted.

But speaking on the contrary, a chieftain of the PDP and Acting Chairman of party in Benue, Gowin Ayighe said President Buhari is too slow in taking major decisions and urged him to put more energy into governance.

Commenting on the on going probe of the 16 years of PDP administration in the country by President Buhari’s Government, Ayighe said they are not afraid of any probe, but advised that the APC government should not be selfish about it.

“I think Buhari should be transparent about the probe and if there must be probe, I think they say charity begins at home, but up till now he has not come out to tell Nigerians who and who in his party today that partook in looting the country,” he said.

