BSN calls on churches to play critical role in producing Bible

[FILES] Bible
The General Secretary, Bible Society of Nigeria (BSN), Pastor Samuel Sanusi has called on the Church to wake up and support BSN, remembering that without the Bible, no Church can operate.

He made the call when some group of Christian journalists paid BSN a courtesy visit at the Bible Guest House, Ilupeju, Lagos.

Sanusi said every effort to woo the Church, especially mega Churches, has proved abortive as little or no assistance has been coming to the BSN, that does a lot to make the Bible available to Christians, in English language, for the blind, deaf and dumb, among others, adding that to produce a complete language Bible cost over N80 million.

The general secretary, who also made appeal to Christians in general, said it is disheartening that many depend on BSN to give them free Bibles for evangelism, not wanting to know how or what it takes to produce them.

He disclosed that last year BSN distributed above two million copies of the Bible with a projection of distributing nothing less than three million this year.

He also noted that BSN, in the global mission of United Bible Societies, took the lead by distributing a little less than 900,000 copies of English Bible, which was the highest copies distributed globally last year.

Sanusi lamented that despite the cost of overheads, including diesel, which is gulping a huge sum of money due to epileptic nature of power holdings, it has almost become impossible to cope with running of Bible Guest houses which serve as support.

He added that BSN has refused to bow out because if it does, the Bible is likely to go into extinction due to the fact that BSN Bibles are heavily subsidized to make the Bible affordable for everyone who needs one. He noted that for the past five or six years, Bible Guest Houses had been running at a loss due to cost of overheads.

“It is not too much if Churches would appreciate the importance of the Bible without which there is no Church, no pastor, no Evangelist no members and would dedicate one Sunday offerings to assist BSN, which is happening elsewhere.

“We have a projection of producing three million Bibles this year with a lot of forces to contend with which include, economic, security and political forces and at the end of day may have nothing to boast of in terms of revenue.

“We have members of staff who are also contending with the same economy, going to the same market with bankers and others with their meager salaries that need to be boosted.

“The Church ought to be father and mother of BSN and it is unfortunate that we have to be begging Church leaders to attend our events and play their role which many of them are shunning.

“We are contending with those illegally importing Bibles with our own affordable Bibles and this they know,” he said.

He revealed that the vision of United Bible Society in 2033 is to make available Bibles in every language in the world, either a portion or New Testament of Bibles, which include the deaf and dumb, the blind as that year will make it 2000 years that Jesus died and brought salvation to the world.


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