Be change agents, Adesina charges American varsity graduates

Dr. Akinwumi Adesina

African Development Bank Group President, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, has charged graduates of America’s Calvin University to be change agents in a world beset by socio-economic challenges.

Delivering a keynote address at the institution’s commencement ceremony, Adesina told the audience that included 700 graduates that, “the world faces many simultaneous challenges, promising a future of exciting and infinite possibilities, in which you have a role to play. Foremost among these challenges are climate change, food insecurity and a lack of universal access to affordable healthcare.”

He went on: “In front of me today, I see builders and shapers of hope. You have been well prepared to go into the world to be the change makers. You have received a world-class education. You have been exposed to great ideas, and you’ve worked alongside faculty and students from all around the world.”

He shared with the graduates the difficult times he went through as a student at America’s Purdue University.

In his remarks, president of the tertiary institution, Dr. Wiebe Boer, described Adesina as “a man of great accomplishments.”

He continued: “Everywhere he goes, no matter how high, no matter how powerful, no matter how big the checkbook, he never forgets those less fortunate.”

Boer indicated that the AfDB boss remains his mentor.

The Student Senate President, Nain Miranda Duarte, recounted the economic difficulties his family endured and how he had benefitted from people’s generousity from his early days in the slums of Nicaragua to being a graduate of a top American university.

He said the combined income of his parents then was only $50 monthly, which amounted to paltry $1.67 daily for a family of seven.

“Together, we stand here today because of those who decided to be God’s hands and feet and who actively exemplified the power of generousity. Class of 2023, it is my turn, it is your turn to be that anonymous donor that allows others to finish their high school education. It is our turn to make impossible dreams a reality,” Duarte charged.


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