BBC investigation accuses late TB Joshua of rape, assault, torture

T.B. Joshua

The late TB Joshua has been accused of widespread abuse and torture by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), an international media outlet, in a three-part documentary.

TB Joshua, the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), was accused in the BBC investigation of physical violence and torture, including instances of child abuse and people being whipped and chained.

In the investigation, BBC said more than 25 former “disciples” from the UK, Nigeria, United States, South Africa, Ghana, Namibia and Germany gave testimony about their experiences within the church, with the most recent experiences in 2019.

BBC said the late prophet, who died on June 5, 2021, was also accused by numerous women who said they were sexually assaulted and repeatedly raped for years inside the compound.

The BBC said its findings revealed multiple allegations of forced abortions, with one woman claiming she had five abortions for the late televangelist.

In the investigation, one of the victims, a British woman called Rae, said she was 21 years old when she abandoned her degree at Brighton University in 2002 and was recruited into the church. Rae said she spent the next 12 years as one of Joshua’s so-called “disciples.”.

“We all thought we were in heaven, but we were in hell, and in hell, terrible things happen,” Rae said.

She also accused the late TB Joshua of sexual assault and subjected her to a form of solitary confinement for two years.

Rae noted that the abuse was so severe that she attempted suicide multiple times inside the compound.

BBC said SCOAN did not respond to the allegations in the investigation and referenced previous claims against Joshua that were denied.

“Making unfounded allegations against Prophet TB Joshua is not a new occurrence… None of the allegations was ever substantiated,” the church stated.

The media outlet added that former followers of the church alleged that they had previously tried to speak out about abuse but said they had been silenced by SCOAN.


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