Bandits release video clip of 39 abducted Kaduna college students

Armed bandits who kidnapped 39 students of Federal College of Forestry Mechanization in Kaduna on Thursday has released a video clip of the abducted students. 

In a video clip of about three minutes, the students tortured by their captors were seen begging and calling on government to come to their rescue. 

Although, one of the bandits was heard in the recorded video, commanding the students in Hausa language, saying “Ku din ga ihu” meaning “You all should start screaming. 

About 30 students, most of whom are females were abducted, while 180 were rescued on Thursday night, in a the college located opposite premier military university, The Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Kaduna was attacked around 11:30 Thursday night.

On Friday morning, parents of the students were seen trooping to the college in search of their children. While most confirmed the abduction of their children on the spot, others were directed to NDA and Nigerian Army 1 Division to meet their children.  The students whom were reciebing serious beating from the bandits were heard in the video footage pleading in chorus o n government to come to their rescue.  “Our lives are in danger, our parents needs us. Please just pay the ransome and allow us leave.”

One of the abducted students who identified himself as Emanuel said the bandits warned government against sending security operatives to rescue them, as he said their captors have vowed to ensure none of them return home alive, should government attempt to infiltrate their hideouts. 

According to the student, “My name is Emmanuel from Forestet Mechanization. Qe are appealing on government to come and reduce us. Most of us here have been badly injured and we have health challenges. This people are complaining about government trying to send soldiers overto come and rwsuce us- which is almost impossible because they have surrounded us and said anybody that come here to come and rescue us or do anything by force, they are going to take our lives.

“We are appealing to government to come now and reduce us. Because we are u  serious trouble.”

Another female among the captives pleaded in Hausa, saying “we are urging government to pay this people. they said if any soldier  attempt to rescue us, they will kill all of us.”

However, one of the abductors was heard in the clip,  in Hausa language, commanding and forcing  the students a sudden to be crying and screaming. “Ku din ga uju.”


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