Babies And Depression: Is It Even Possible?


You might think that depression is only for teenagers and adults, but did you know that infants, regardless of no life issues and troubles that would weigh them down, can still experience depression?

Although there are no empirical studies yet to support this assumption, mental health professionals have reason to believe so. And this comes from a series of cases and clinical experiences they have amassed in the course of doing their jobs as mental health experts.

Despite that, it is a rare event that takes place, happening to 1 out of 40 infants.

What Are The Symptoms?

In the expert opinion of professionals, the main signs to spot out in infants battling depression is their spritely zest. To be able to ascertain this, there are a series of questions that need to be checked and some of them include:

  • How difficult is it to get your baby involved socially? 
  • Is your baby unusually quiet and gloomy?
  • Is your baby giving off mixed signals and emotions that you can’t understand?
  • Is your baby often gazing and more withdrawn than usual?
  • Are your baby’s facial gestures lacking in smiles?

Like one individual to another varies in personality, so do babies too, meaning that babies have different temperaments as well. As such, if there is a great or obvious switch from your baby you used to know to these new changes you are trying to wrap your brain around, then this could be a sign of depression. 

Why Do You Think Your Baby Is Depressed?

For an adult, there could be a myriad of reasons for depression, and the same is the case with a baby and is not limited to the genes and brain chemistry dictating emotional health and wellbeing. Remember that babies are imitative and learn everything from adults and those within their environment. In that case, they also learn about how to interact emotionally with their parents, and if any of the parents are dealing with depression, the baby might just take a cue from that. This leaves infants in a loveless home disadvantaged.


Being aware of these signs of depression does not say that your baby is going through clinical depression. A published work by the ‘Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders Of Infancy And Early Childhood’ listed diverse conditions as the guideline to certify that an infant is currently facing depression. They include the following markers:

  • Where the symptoms take place in more than one activity and more than one relationship.
  • The signs exhibited are not as a result of toxins in the environment, from a general medical condition or medication 
  • An obvious switch in the usual behavioural manner and emotions of the child.
  • Visible everyday signs of a depressed, bad mood that lingered for over two weeks.
  • The signs show negatively influenced uneasiness and halt the development of the child.


If it appears that the signs have existed for a few days, this means the infant has been going through a moment of upset that is linked to the absence of the parents. Such phrases are quick to pass and the infant goes back to their bubbly self.

Unlike the adult treatments that include therapy and medications to handle the brain chemistry, these forms of treatment are not given to infants. Instead, a psychotherapist works with the parents or guardian on comprehending what might be going on.  

Dealing With Depression

How do you understand the babbling of a child? This is impossible. This is even worse to point out if depression is among the worries to list, since babies can’t do more than make sounds to communicate their emotions.

This situation can cause parents and guardians to have a mental breakdown. This simply means that to cope with the situation, the caregivers should get professional assistance, especially if already dealing with depression.

Taking care of an infant means to go the whole nine yards, so with frequent mental checks, this process will help limit a full-blown mental health issue that might be more critical.


