AWB launches ‘She Thrives Series’ in Lagos

African Women on Board (AWB) on Wednesday took its women awareness project to the next stage with the launch of She Thrives, a podcast about workplace violence.

She Thrives will feature stories from women who have faced violence within their work environments and also give perspectives from thought leaders.

The 10-episode series was premiered on Wednesday, February 10, on Beat 99.9 FM from 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify among others. Other series would be aired at the same times for 9 weeks on the same platforms

Speaking at the launch, AWB Chair, Nkiru Balonwu, said: “ The podcast was created to confront the culture of looking away; to sensitise the public and policymakers about how widespread workplace violence against women is and its effects on women and the society. The platform is created for women to come out and say their owin stories of how workplace violence is affecting them and how they are either coping with the situation or how they have overcome it.”

For the Programme manager, Inem King, the primary objective of the podcast is to inform the public about the existence and prevalence of workplace violence against women and detail its adverse effects on families, women, businesses, societies and economies.

She also noted that the 10-episode series, which will run for nine weeks on different platforms will serve as a springboard for the recommendations to relevant stakeholders whose policies, regulations and rules can mitigate the menace.

King also disclosed that the podcast will help stakeholders — women, men, workplaces, regulatory bodies, policymakers, among others — to better understand and tackle violence against women and create policy models that can be applied to workplaces across the continent.


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