ASHMUSY: My career is having negative impact on my love life

Amarachi Amusi, popularly known as Ashmusy, is a skit maker and content creator. The Enugu-born actress attended Federal Government College, Enugu and holds a degree in Medical Anatomy from Madonna University. Ashmusy, who has about 1.4 million followers on Instagram, is known for creating contents that are emotional or tragic, with a dose of comedy. In this interview with IJEOMA THOMAS-ODIA, she shares her life as a skit maker.

Share with us your sojourn into skit-making. How did it start for you?
It started for me in 2018, after my NYSC. I went fully into skit making because I was trying to be in Nollywood all along. However, I noticed some things that I didn’t like and wasn’t confortable with in Nollywood, which made me to decide to go into content creation. It was to show my acting skills and talent because my main purpose was to showcase my acting talent for which I have passion and energy. It was about my acting career, it wasn’t about comedy. I am an actor and a content creator. That’s how I started. I was shy at first and I didn’t know how to go about it. I had to find someone that was like me, and we paired up to start together, because two heads are always better than one. That person is Nonso Ada Jesus, we started together in 2018.

Share with us your growing up?
I grew up with my family. We were four daughters, with my parents. We didn’t have much. We weren’t rich. My mum did her best for us to feed and grow up like children of rich parents. We went to good schools and it was all my mum’s hustle. She sold everything, she hawked – she did it all. It was like a struggle. We grew up with the mindset of rich children due to the efforts of my mother.

Did you know you would make a career path in acting and content creation?
In my diary as a 16-year old, I wrote that I would become a star in Hollywood. That was even my dream. I am a very ambitious person. I have always known that I would be a very big star, and I am just starting. Acting is a talent for me. I can kill any role you give me anytime, any day. It is a huge talent that I have not even started showing off yet because it’s crazy in there.

What challenges have you faced in the course of your career?
The industry is time consuming and it needs my attention. I would say that it has contributed negatively to my love life, because, if I wasn’t famous as a content creator, I am sure I would have easily gotten into a relationship and moved on from there, and probably gotten married by now. But with how busy I am, I don’t even have enough time for the men that are approaching. Also, there was a time I was shadow banned due to Instagram rules and regulations in 2019 – that was a major challenge for me. The skit making process is very stressful. It appears easy but it is a whole load of stress.

You are huge on cosmetic surgery. Is it just for show offs or does it add to building your confidence? Would you encourage more women to take on cosmetic surgery?
First of all, I am not huge on cosmetic surgery. I had it just once and it was Liposuction, which is no longer a big deal to anyone anymore. It is just taking out fat from your tummy. I am not huge on it like you say. It just trended at a time. I am indifferent about it. I am not too keen. If you want to do it to gain your confidence and gain that good look, it’s fine. If you don’t want to, and simply want to exercise or love your body the way it is, it’s also fine. I am glad I did mine and I am good.

What does fashion mean to you?
To me fashion means looking good in your own kind of way. Looking good is good business basically. I like to look hot, sexy, chicky – it depends on the event. I really like to look good and slay to the highest.

What is your fashion style?
To be honest with you, I don’t really have role models but I have a few people that I admire. They are people I admire, and they motivate me.

What is your favourite local dish?
My favourite local dish is pounded yam with Egusi soup cooked with, goat meat and catfish.

What will you never be caught wearing?
I will never be caught wearing something rampant – Tiger Skins. I will also never be caught wearing trashy clothes that show my buttocks, in the name of looking ‘hot’.

How would you describe the industry and its growth process?
The industry is good if you are determined to push. But if you look at some things happening, you might be discouraged. If you look at some of the things being said about some people, you might be put off. But if you know yourself and have your goals, and you are determined to move and get that goal, you would get it. The industry is good. You can grow in it. You can make it successfully without looking at anybody or listening to what anyone says.

What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are eating, traveling, dancing, acting and watching movies.

Describe Ashmusy in three words
Ashmusy is beautiful, hardworking and rich.


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