Army troops kill ISWAP terrorists, discover IED-making factory in forest

A discarded Islamic State flag lies torn on the ground (Giuseppe Cacace/AFP/Getty Images)

The Nigerian Army troops have succeeded in busting another ISWAP bomb-making factory in Abulam – BUK, in Damboa LGA of Borno State, as a clearance operation to rid the state of remnants of the terrorists continued.

Steadily advancing in different corridors of the theatre towards identified enclaves, the Special Forces troops in collaboration with HYBRID and Civilian Joint Task Force operating under the shared aspiration of Operation Desert Sanity III, a subsidiary of Operation HADIN Kai made gradual but unprecedented incursions into the insurgents’ dens.

The week-long clearance operation through the troops of Sector 2, Special Forces Brigade of the Nigerian Army, CJTF in coordination with the Nigerian Air Force, was marked by a series of encounters designed to decimate the terrorists from its stronghold in the Timbuktu Triangle, comprising Buk, Talala, Gorgi in dreaded Sambisa Forest.

Zagazola Makama, a counter-insurgency media pundit, reports that during one of the troops’ advances, they met strong resistance from the terrorists, who laid Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) along the troops’ route of advance. The terrorists also attempted to attack the advancing troops.

The troops, however, brought superior firepower to bear on the insurgents, killing several of the fighters and forcing them to abandon their enclaves.

In BUK, the troops discovered the ISWAP bomb making factory with several IEDs materials, metals and irons.

The troops further advanced to the camp of Abu Aisha in Dusula, but the terrorists hastily withdrew and avoided making contact with the approaching troops to avoid being decimated.

Following the clearance operation, many strong enclaves that were occupied by the terrorists have been liberated and dominated by the troops forcing ISWAP commanders like Hanzala Kaid, Abu Ibrahim, Baa Idrissa, Rawana, Mallam Abubakar and Abu Aisha to flee toward the axis of Abba Gajiri and Bulabulin.


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