Army kills ISWAP terrorists in Borno

Police fell bandit, arrest two, recover weapon in Kaduna

Troops of 25 Task Force Brigade, Operation Hadin Kai (OPHK), have neutralised several Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists in an ambush in Sambisa Forest of Damboa Local Council in Borno State.

The terrorists’ failed ambush of Friday, January 13, 2023, led to their humiliating defeat near the troops’ base at Azir on Damboa-Biu Road.

A counter-insurgency expert in the Lake Chad region, Zagazola Makama, disclosed yesterday, in Maiduguri: “The terrorists stormed the troops’ base with Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle, four Hilux trucks mounted with anti-aircraft gun and motorcycles and began shooting sporadically at the Army base.”

According to him, the troops, consequently, engaged the terrorists in a fierce gun battle for about an hour, which led to the elimination of several terrorists and capture of one Hilux with anti-aircraft gun.

A military source in Maiduguri added that while the gun battle was ongoing, the terrorists took to their heels after sighting two Nigerian Air Force (NAF) super Tucano fighter jets.

“The fighter jets scored crucial hits on targets and destroyed one of their phantom MRAP vehicles,” said the military source, adding that all the occupants of the vehicle were killed.

SIMILARLY, Kaduna State Police Command has said its men neutralised one bandit at Rigachikun in Chikun Local Council and arrested two others at Samina area of the state.

While noting that some of the suspected bandits escaped with bullet sounds, the command stated that an AK-47 rifle, a locally-fabricated General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) with 10 rounds of live ammunition was recovered by its men during the raid on the criminals.

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Muhammad Jalige, stated that the operatives attached to Rigachikun Division, on January, 14, 2023 about 0100hours received a distress call that armed bandits had invaded the residence of one Umar Ibrahim at Amana Maimadachi village.

According to Jalige, upon receipt of the report, crack operatives, alongside other local security stakeholders, swiftly mobilised and moved to the location where they engaged the bandits and thwarted their kidnap attempt.

“In the tactically executed operation, one of the armed bandits in military camouflage was neutralised, while others escaped with serious gunshots injuries. A serviceable AK-47 rifle loaded with four rounds of live ammunition was recovered from the killed bandit.


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