Army denies culpability in Enugu accident

The Nigerian Army, Enugu has denied that the checkpoints mounted by its personnel at Ugwu Onyeama axis of the Enugu-Onitsha highway were responsible for the multiple auto crashes that claimed lives on Tuesday evening.

No fewer than two persons died with ten others sustaining deep injuries. The assistance from road users and Road Safety Officials led to the rescue of 25 other passengers trapped in the carnage.

The development had elicited concerns yesterday as many had accused soldiers of mounting checkpoints in the area.

They alleged that soldiers blocked the rehabilitated lane of the dual carriageway and subjected motorists to the dilapidated lane which they also narrowed with logs of wood in the guise of checkpoints.

But reacting to the allegations in a statement he sent to The Guardian, Acting Deputy Director, 82 Division Army Public Relations, Lieutenant Colonel Jonah Unuakhalu, said there was no truth in the matter

“First, the Division wishes to condole and commiserate with the families whose loved ones were involved in the tragic incident and also pray for the speedy recovery of those injured,” he said.

Unuakhalu stated however that while loss of any life is unfortunate, only 2 people died at the scene of the accident and not 25 cases being reported.

“It is disheartening to accuse the military of causing the accident. The Division is not unaware of the efforts of the kidnappers and illegal miners in the area to get rid of the checkpoint.

“The law abiding citizens are once again assured of the commitment of 82 Division Nigerian Army to continue to serve them as the Nigerian Army remains the Peoples’ Army.

“The general public is hereby enjoined to disregard the report as it is not the actual account of what happened. The Division will continue to perform its constitutional roles of protecting lives and property within its Area of Responsibility.”


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