Anglican Primate urges President-elect to run an all-inclusive govt Urges Nigerians to support incoming administration


Primate of All Nigeria (Anglican Communion) Most Rev Henry Ndukuba has called on the President-elect, Ahmed Bola Tinubu to run an all-inclusive government and ensure that every part of the country is carried along.

He also appealed to all Nigerians to give their support, and pray for the incoming administration..

Speaking with journalists at the Fisrt of the 12th Synod of the Abuja Diocese of the church yesterday in Abuja, Ndukuba noted that the election is over and the incoming president needs to move from being a party leader to a national leader and ensure that all Nigerians are treated equally and fairly.
He said, “As the new administration comes on board next, we want all Nigerians to support the incoming , we need to encourage our brothers and sisters to be in prayers, to give their support, we need to stand as one, we need one another, the lord will take this nation from one level to another, it is not because of the person at the head or those who have been elected, it is because of what God wants to do in this nation, there is divine purpose for this nation and that purpose cannot be aborted.”

” The incoming government shouldn’t be winner takes it all kind of government but and all-inclusive government because the elections are over and they must they no longer party leaders but national leaders and need all Nigerians. We appeal for unity amongst us as a people, let us put the interest of the nation first and work for the good of the country.”

The Primate observed that Nigeria is a nation on a journey and has not reached its destination adding God’s Devine purpose for Nigeria will be achieved despite all the challenges confronting the nation.

He said,” We are on a journey, journey of life and journey of faith. This nation is in a journey and has not yet arrived we have many challenges but God’s own divine purpose for us as a people, we need one another and we need God , the wisdom of men and the philosophies of our time may fail us, we need to show love to one another especially in this challenging time . Nigerians should not give up, God is with us in this journey and He will help us “.

On his part, Chairman of the Local organizing Committee, Chief Gbazueagu Nweke Gbazueagu said that the Synod is a solemn event of the Anglican Communion and urged the delegates to go back and show love and sacrifice for mankind.


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