Anglican Communion applauds Lagos State’s safe schools initiative

The Director of the Directorate of Sunday School, Diocese of Lagos Mainland (Anglican Communion), Olubanke Fashina, has praised the Lagos State government for creating the Safe Schools Lagos Agency (SSLAG) as part of its efforts to ensure safety in all schools in the state.

Fashina, who spoke after a safety seminar organised by SSLAG for Sunday Schools’ teachers in the diocese, said the participants would spread the gospel of safety in their individual parishes.

The director, who noted that safety is all-encompassing, added that the participants would become pacesetters as far as safety in Sunday Schools is concerned in the country.

“We are going to make the Sunday Schools better,” he stressed.

He also thanked the SSLAG for organising the seminar, adding that the participants, which comprised superintendents and chaplains of the Sunday Schools, were advised to take the issue of safety seriously.

“Some circumstances may change the lives of children for life. Getting Sunday Schools’ teachers, the requisite training before placing children in the church cannot be over-emphasised.

“The church must endeavour to attract the right people to teach the children. Child’s protection is protection against any form of risk.

“They were told that safeguarding is about mitigating the harm that has been done.

“That is why Sunday Schools’ teachers must understand the signs. When children come to Sunday Schools, check whether they are showing any sign of abuse or impact of traumatic circumstances from home,” Fashina said.


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