Amu: I will never live in luxury while those around me are poor

Amu (right) receiving the Chieftaincy title of Ikeoha in Aku community, Enugu State

The General Manager, Strategy and Planning at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Mr Marcel Ogbonna Amu has vowed that he would never live in luxury when those around him are poor. He said he has dedicated his life to the service of the society geared towards reducing poverty among the people.

Speaking at Agbaese play field, Nua Aku, Igboetiti Local Council of Enugu state, during a civic reception and conferment of Chieftaincy title of Ikeoha on him by the traditional ruler of Akutara-Enu, Aku autonomous community, HRH Igwe James Eleam, Amu stated that he would always share what he has with the needy.

He called on Nigerians, especially wealthy individuals, to take care of the less privilege persons around them, stressing that through such, “we will be able to reduce poverty and give life a meaning for the good of the society.”

Amu said: “I have vowed in my life that I can never live in luxury when those around me are poor. I will always share what I have with the needy. Coincidentally, my wife and children, I deprive them a lot of comfort to ensure that we touch lives in the society. I will like others to join me in this battle to eliminate poverty in our land. With your cooperation, I believe we can achieve a better society.”

Expressing surprise with the award, Amu who is the founder of Janet Amu Foundation (JAF) said, “I never expected it; I was doing ordinary things the way it appeal to me. I am a member of the St. Jude’s Society in the Catholic Church and I know that helping the needy is our main objective. I will just like to thank all the organisers of this occasion for deeming me worthy to be here today and seeing me honoured and to pledge that it will spur me into doing more.”

President General, Nua Ohaebia General Assembly (NOGA), Chief Matthias Uba, said the award of the chieftaincy title was based on the many philanthropic works and empowerment programmes Amu had executed in the community.

“We are happy to give you this honour and we are happy to have in our midst and also proud of you for having shown dedication and steadfastness and an ability to rise to occasions which will surely serve as a motivation to many of our teeming youths and indigent students as it shows that dreams can turn to possibilities, if only we dare to dream.

“Indeed, many lives have been touched most especially through your philanthropy, the Janet Amu foundation (JAF), with trail blazing successes. We therefore have no doubts that more lives will be touched and uplifted with you as the instrument. We commend you and wish you well and pray for your continued successes and well being in all spheres that you traverse,” he said

He however, requested assistance in the building of a Civic Hall for their events, a youth skill acquisition centre, more empowerment programme, as well as jobs for its teeming youths.

While praising Amu for excelling in community service, Chairman of the occasion, Chief Henry Okolie –Abor said such virtues should be emulated by all and sundry to move the society forward.

“Marcel is a great man and somebody who has always identified with his people. I am very proud of him of the numerous community-based projects that he has embarked upon. His scholarship and welfare programme for his community and it is on the basis on that that we travelled from very far and wide to felicitate with him and his family for this honour bestowed on him. Marcel is a great man, his promotion as General Manager in NNPC is a promotion that was based on hard work and the great things he had done. We pray that God will continue to sustain him. We keep praying that he will be a beacon of light for this community.”

He also thanked the traditional ruler of the community for taking out time to recognise those who have excelled in their various spheres of life and in community service.

Conferring the honour on Amu, Igwe James Eleamu, prayed God to continue to guide and grant him wisdom to excel in his numerous endeavours.


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