Al-Abrar marks 30 years of Dawah services, tasks Muslims on investments

Founder of Al-Abrar Foundation, Sheikh Adam Muhammad Raji Adebayo (left); Sheikh Muhydeen Opeyemi Raji and Imam AbdulAzeez Adeshina (Albagawy) at the event in Lagos

The Chief Missioner and Founder of Al-Abrar Foundation, Sheikh Adam Muhammad Raji Adebayo, has celebrated 30 years of offering dawah services to Nigerian Muslims.

Adebayo, a spiritual leader and a philanthropist, began his dawah activities 30 years ago offering Arabic and Islamic education, Jumat service, Asalsatu, Cooperative, investment facilities and Zakat and Sadaqat empowerment to Muslims and non-Muslims in Lagos State.

In his quest for innovative youths’ empowerment, he founded Al-Abrar Innovation Technology (AIT), which ensures social creativity irrespective of religious affinities.  The foundation has been engaging in humanitarian services for Muslims, Christians, and traditional worshippers for over 15 years.

Also, the foundation is on its way to building an ultra-modern Islamic centre for Muslims.

Speaking during the pearl anniversary ceremony, Sheikh Adebayo, said the foundation was established out of the fear of derailing from the truth and shunning hypocrisy.
“Many clerics derailed from the Quran and Sunnah of the holy prophet (SAW) out of hypocrisy. Though hypocrisy is enshrined in the heart it can be overcome by being firm on the part of Allah.”

He said from the look of what is going on in religious organizations today, many Islamic organizations have been turned into political parties.
“Religious society has turned to a political party, the only difference is their names. If you look at the way they operate some religious society you would be amazed. They are not different from the way political parties operate and that is what destroys so many religious clerics today. They dictate to the clerics what to say and how to say it even when it is against the will of Allah.

“It is only if you can compromise the word of Allah to fit into their aim and objectives, then you will become recognised and honoured.”

Adebayo noted that the sole objective of Abrar’s Foundation is to better society by uplifting humans irrespective of religious affiliation.

“When we started the foundation, 80 per cent of the beneficiaries were non-Muslims and non-Yoruba because we believe humanity comes first. The Holy Prophet, Muhammad (SAW) introduced humanity before religion.”

He added that the foundation decided to award and turban those who contributed immensely to the growth and development of the foundation.
“Those who have an understanding of the society and support us are the ones we bestowed the honour to be turbaned and awarded.”

He solicited support for the completion of the foundation’s permanent Islamic Centre.

The guest lecturer, Professor of Hadith, Islamic Ethics, Comparative Religion and Contemporary Studies, Lagos State University,Prof. Abdul Kabir OlawaleParamole, described Imam Raji Adebayo as cool cool-headed, intelligent and disciplined person.

“I have known him a while, almost two decades ago when we worked together as Ulamas for Lagos State Muslim Welfare Pilgrim Board before I became the board’s chairman. I have never for once seen him fighting anyone.”

He urged religious clerics to emulate Sheikh Robiu’s gentleness, steadfastness and uprightness.

“Today, we see Ulamas fighting over trivial matters, either position or what have you.”

He urged the rich in the society to support religious cleric ambitions to better the society.

“We have so many influential Muslims that are blessed by Almighty Allah, but they are not spending their money in the right way and manner. Many prefer to show off at parties than spend on the path of Almighty Allah where they will be rewarded in this world and the hereafter. They forgot that whatever they do to support the Muslim community and the Ulamas will never be forgotten. So, I’m pleading to those whom Allah blesses to come out en mass to support the ummah financially,” he said.
