Aisha Buhari donates to 48 victims of bomb blast

Aisha Buhari
Aisha Buhari
WIFE of President Muhammadu Buhari, Hajiya Aisha Buhari, has donated undisclosed amount of money to the 48 victims of last month’s bomb blast in Gombe who are on admission at the Federal Teaching and Specialist Hospitals in Gombe.

Making the donation on her behalf in Gombe at the weekend, Hajiya Aisha Jibir, a member representing Dukku/Nafada Federal Constituency of Gombe State, said she was sent by the President’s wife to commiserate with them and give them a token to relieve them of their suffering.

She said: “The President wife was told about the condition of the blast victims, and being a caring mother in her magnanimity, she decided to assist with this token amount of money to help and relieve you of the suffering you encountered during the blast.

“She also prayed for the soul of those who lost their lives in the blast to rest in peace and those on admission, wished them God’s mercies to recover fully and go back to their various families.”

