Aggrieved Sisters Cut Tenant’s Manhood

The late Ogaje in the course of the fight overpowered the two ladies and was said to have beaten them mercilessly until one of them used a club to hit him on the head.

The late Ogaje, according to an eyewitness, fell and became unconscious and it was at this stage that one of the two sisters brought out a cooking knife from their room and pulled off the deceased trousers. Before the stunned on-lookers could come to his rescue, his manhood had been cut.

The gory sight of the dastardly act jolted those present at the scene to over power the ladies, while some were said to have fled the scene of the crime. The ladies were promptly handed over to the police at Adoka Police Station. The corpse of the slain Ogaje was taken to the General Hospital in Ugbokpo.

It took the intervention of elders in the area to avert a communal crisis because of the reaction of youths who felt aggrieved by the treatment meted out to Ogaje. Attempts by the youths to raze the family house of the two sisters were stopped by the elders.

At the Police Station at Adoka, the police officer in charge refused to comment on the issue, saying he had no such authority. When contacted, the Benue State Police Public Relations Officer, Richard Dauda said that he was yet to be briefed on the crime.

