Africans charged to explore opportunities in industry

Voiceover Talent & coach, Tolu Kolade; Nollywood actor, Seun Ajayi; Storyteller, Afoma Ezeokoye; Project manager, Damilola Oshifowora; Founder of Voiceover Workshop and Media, and Convener of The Voiceover Conference, Emmanuel Afemikhe; Community Manager, Christianne Lamba; CEO, Shutterhouse Africa, Abraham Aderonmu; Voiceover Talent, Eniola Keshinro and Voiceover coach, Eric Ekwueme at the media parley.

Founder, Voiceover Workshop and Media, Emmanuel Afemikhe, has harped on the need to explore opportunities in the voice over industry in Africa while alluding that the counterparts in the West have been able to leverage and benefit from the industry.

He said this at a media parley on the upcoming fifth edition of the Voice Over Conference, which would be held in Lagos on June 25th and 26th June, themed “Dare: The Audacity to Break New Grounds”.
Afemikhe who is also the convener of the conference stated that the conference seeks to rewrite the history of voice over in Africa and grow the industry to help younger people become relevant using their voices.

He noted that the first day would be virtual meeting and the second, a physical gathering, at Oriental hotel Lagos, adding that one of the topics to be discussed is “Impacting the African economy as Voice Over artists.”

Noting that the conference would have several speakers from about eight African countries, he stated that it would educate people, spark relationships and encourage collaboration beyond the continent.

“Voice Over doesn’t start and stop with recording in the studio. There’s copywriting, animation, production, marketing, business and negotiation among others,” he said.
