Activists task Buhari on insecurity, bad economy, others


The Committee for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR) and New Nigeria Initiative (NNI), yesterday, declared that President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration has failed to tackle insecurity and socio-economic challenges confronting the country.

They said Nigeria needed no further evidence to ascertain the monumental failure of the present administration, as all indices show a downward trend in all areas of national life.

In a communiqué issued at the end of its National Executive Committee (NEC), National President of CDHR, Dr. Osagie Obayuwana, expressed concern over the state of the nation, particularly the pervasive insecurity nationwide, as well as threat to national cohesion and unity.

Obayuwana, who lamented that the economic policies of the Buhari government had pauperized the masses and was fueling insecurity, said: “The economic situation was capable of engendering desperation on the part of the unemployed and impoverished youths, government’s insignificant palliatives notwithstanding.”

He noted that insecurity, kidnappings, armed robbery, assassinations, herdsmen/ farmers clashes, banditry and Boko Haram terrorism, constituted breaches of human rights.

“More worrisome is the failure of the Buhari government to facilitate and guarantee the enjoyment of socio-economic and cultural rights of all Nigerians, which he is constitutionally mandated to guarantee,” he said.

ALSO, the NNI described activities of herdsmen as unimaginable atrocities and cruelty being perpetrated in parts of Edo State.

In a statement in Benin City, its President, Uwadiae Odigie and Secretary, Igbotako Nowinta, said Nigerians were being held hostage against their will and wishes by Fulani herdsmen in Edo and the entire country.

“Given the fact that President Buhari government has no visible clue to save Nigerians from the continuous demonic grip of the agents of death, darkness and destruction, it becomes incumbent on us to put on record our proposed bill for a Law in Edo State prohibiting open cattle grazing within the state,” the group said.

The group also recommended the bill for consideration of the Edo State House of Assembly, saying it has no fewer than 1,000 signatories who are willing to endorse it for immediate attention.


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