Abuja court jails man for swindling American of $300

A Federal Capital Territory (FCT) High Court in Gwagwalada on Thursday sentenced an Internet fraudster, Eze Josiah to two years imprisonment for swindling an American woman of $300.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), had prosecuted the convict on two counts of cheating by impersonation for pretending to be an American citizen on Facebook.

He pleaded guilty to the charge and begged the court for leniency.

Delivering judgment, Justice Aliyu Shafa, also gave him an option of a fine of N500,000.

Shafa ordered the convict to depose to an affidavit of good behaviour, adding that the HP laptop and iPhone eight, being the instruments used to commit the crime be sold and the proceeds deposited in the Federal Government’s account.

Earlier, the convict in his plea for mercy promised not to make such mistakes in his life again and to be of good behaviour.

The Defence Counsel, J.M. Mafwil in support of the allocutus by the convict pleaded with the court to tamper justice with mercy.

Mafwil told the court that the convict was a first-time offender and a young man, adding that the court should consider a lesser sentence or fine while sentencing the convict.

The Prosecution Counsel, Idris Haruna, told the court that the convict sometime in January 2024, within the jurisdiction of the court, committed the crime of cheating by personation.

Haruna said that the convict pretended to be Kelvin, an American citizen on Facebook.

He said that the convict in that assumed character fraudulently obtained the sum of $200 which was an equivalent of N270,000, through gift cards from one Jessica, an American.

He also, said that the convict pretended to be Prisca Helen, an American citizen on Facebook and defrauded one Karlos, an American citizen.

He said that the convict in that character fraudulently obtained $100 through a gift card from his victim.

The prosecutor said the offence contravened the provisions of Section 321 of the Penal Code and punishable under Section 324 of the Penal Code.

Haruna in oral application pleaded with the court that the instrument used for the crime which includes, an HP laptop and iPhone eight be forfeited to the federal government.



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