Aare Ona Kakanfo wants zero tolerance on corruption, proffers solution on naira devaluation

Otunba Gani Adams

The Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yoruba land, Iba Gani Adams, yesterday, said the incoming government must be prepared to uphold a policy of zero tolerance on corruption, if it hopes to achieve progress and development. Adams said one of the major reasons why Nigeria remains stagnated is because people in power are embezzling over 80 per cent of its revenues.

Speaking during the 2023 edition of Wealth Festival in Lagos, the Aare Ona Kakanfo berated government over devaluation of the naira, saying the nation’s currency has lost its worth among currencies of the world.

He said: “It is sad to note that more than 80 per cent of Nigeria’s revenues and incomes are been embezzled by those in power. There is need for zero tolerance on corruption, and there should be justice across board. A just society is the one that allows the law to take its course. A just society is the one that is transparent and corrupt-free. We cannot live in sin and pray for God’s blessing to abound.

“For us to get the mercy of God, as a nation, there is need for zero tolerance on corruption. There should be prudence, accountability and justice, among others. Prayers and appeasing deities are not enough. Zero tolerance for corruption and justice remain key solutions to solving the Nigerian problems.” He described the festival as a means of identifying with the deity in charge of wealth.

Adams noted: “The devaluation of the naira was a sad reminder of our failure to understand the spirituality of wealth. There is a spiritual meaning to wealth creation. The late Chief Obafemi Awolowo projected a strong Nigerian naira as the currency that would stand the test of time.

“The idea and the projection became a pipe dream, when our currency was changed and the kobo was removed from our currency to what it is, to date.”

“There were good memories of some years when our naira was equal to the United Kingdom Pound Sterling and even higher than the American Dollar. We lost the spirituality of our wealth and our naira continues to depreciate in value and standard. As far as I am concerned, my take on this is clear. There is urgent need for the Federal Government to look into the best way to ensure the naira regains its value.

“In my view, it is not all about the economic value; it is also about the spiritual value of wealth. That is the beauty of wealth, and it goes a long way in determining the prosperity of our nation.”

The Alaige of Orile Agege, Oba Akeem Agbedeyi, eulogised Adam’s courage in sustaining Yoruba culture and tradition. He said: “I appreciate Aare Gani Adams for deeming it fit to celebrate the Wealth Festival, here, in Orile Agege. I pray that God will give him and all members of the Oodua People’s Congress the strength to continue to promote the cultural identity of our race.”


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