A Life Dedicated to Uplifting Others: The Story of Sherifatu Eshinlokun-Adegbesan

Sherifatu Eshinlokun-Adegbesan

Sherifatu Eshinlokun-Adegbesan is a woman who wears many hats: educator, philanthropist, and social advocate. Her journey from aspiring lawyer to passionate changemaker is a testament to her unwavering commitment to improving the lives of others, particularly children and young people.

Driven by a desire to make a direct impact, she shifted gears from law to education, founding the Novelty Nursery and Primary School in Ogun State, Nigeria. This wasn’t just a school; it was a beacon of hope, offering quality education and nurturing future leaders. But her reach didn’t stop there. The Life Changers Foundation, her brainchild, has empowered thousands through vocational training, healthcare services, and educational initiatives.

More than just titles, Eshinlokun-Adegbesan’s numerous chieftaincy titles are a reflection of her dedication to philanthropy and societal change. From her monthly “Give Back Weekend” to her advocacy work for marginalized communities, she is a force for good, both in Nigeria and beyond.

This interview with The Guardian delves into the heart and mind of this remarkable woman. We explore her motivations, her challenges, and her unwavering hope for a brighter future. We discover the woman behind the titles, the educator who ignited young minds, the philanthropist who touched countless lives, and the visionary who dares to dream of a better Africa.

Join us as we celebrate Sherifatu Eshinlokun-Adegbesan, a true inspiration to us all.

What stirred your interest in teaching since you had initially wanted to become a lawyer?

The shift from my initial aspiration of becoming a lawyer to pursuing a career in teaching was driven by a profound desire to directly influence the lives of children and youth. While I harboured ambitions of practicing law, I recognized the immediate impact I could have as an educator in shaping young minds and fostering their development. This realization was further solidified by the establishment of a low-cost, high-quality school in Nigeria, where I endeavoured to uphold international educational standards, drawing from my background as a UK qualified teacher. The experience of founding and managing this institution served as a catalyst for my decision to pursue a postgraduate degree in education, as I sought to deepen my understanding and effectiveness in this field.

Obviously, this spurred you to establish the Novelty Nursery and Primary School in Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria. When was the school established and how impactful has it been in the community?

The establishment of Novelty Nursery and Primary School in Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria, was driven by a commitment to provide quality education and support to children within the community. Founded in 2011, the school has made a significant impact, offering a robust educational framework to numerous children and contributing to the holistic development of the community by nurturing its future leaders. Additionally, we have extended educational opportunities to deserving members of the community through scholarships. Notably, we provided full scholarships to children in challenging circumstances, such as an elderly retired widow tasked with caring for her incapacitated daughter’s children. These scholarships cover all aspects of their education, including tuition, books, stationery, and uniforms, demonstrating our dedication to ensuring access to quality education for all.

Your passion for Charity Work led to the establishment of the Life Changers Foundation. What are some of the highlights of this NGO and how well are you delivering on its vision as a consultant?

The inception of Life Changers Foundation emerged from my fervent dedication to charitable endeavours, particularly in the realm of uplifting the lives of individuals, notably children and young people. This foundation has yielded significant accomplishments, including facilitating vocational skills training for over 5000 individuals, offering essential healthcare services, and distributing educational materials. Currently, we are actively engaged in the establishment of a children’s home in Lagos State, specifically within the Ibeju Lekki Local Government Area, to provide shelter and support for orphaned and displaced children.

Our initiatives extend beyond physical aid; we collaborate with various monarchs to empower communities through vocational training programs and comprehensive medical assistance, including free eye tests, eyeglasses, and medications. As a charity consultant, I am dedicated to ensuring that Life Changers Foundation remains steadfast in its vision by implementing strategic approaches and fostering partnerships to amplify its impact. Moreover, through the foundation, I’ve had the privilege of engaging with legislators worldwide, conducting Legislative Capacity Building programs in countries such as Pakistan, Maldives, Argentina, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Ghana, and Nigeria, fostering legislative empowerment and advocacy for positive change.

What fond memories do you recall from your childhood?

Reflecting on my childhood evokes cherished memories of the unwavering love and support within my tight-knit family, the vibrant tapestry of Lagos’ culture, and the enduring values imparted by my parents, which serve as guiding principles to this day. One particular memory stands out vividly: a youthful inclination to extend assistance to families in need, often discreetly sharing portions of our monthly bulk food purchases. I recall instances where, unnoticed by my parents due to their late working hours, I would clandestinely cook extra meals and invite friends from less fortunate families to share in the abundance. These clandestine acts were driven by a sense of joy and fulfilment, coupled with a passion for cooking that made the endeavourall the more enjoyable. Amidst the hustle of our daily lives, my father would occasionally treat us to Shawarma in Festac Town, and weekends were marked by visits to Badagry Beach and the ritual of slaughtering a chicken for our Sunday meal— an occasion I particularly relished, especially savouring the chicken’s head, a preference I maintain to this day. Such reminiscences abound, painting a vivid tableau of a childhood enriched by familial bonds and simple pleasures.

Tell us about your educational background.

My educational journey encompasses a diverse array of experiences across various institutions. I commenced my early schooling at Steppingstone Nursery and Primary School before continuing my secondary education at Baptist Girls’ College for approximately three years. Subsequently, I transitioned to Corona Secondary School to complete my secondary schooling. In 1997, I embarked on a new chapter by relocating to London to pursue further studies.

In the UK, I pursued a diploma in Business Studies at Lambeth College, laying the groundwork for my understanding of business principles. Building upon this foundation, I then pursued higher education at North London University, now known as London Metropolitan University, where I obtained a bachelor’s degree in international business and marketing. Eager to delve deeper into the realm of education, I later pursued a Post Graduate Certificate in Education, specializing in Special Needs Education, at the University of East London, culminating in my qualification as a teacher.

In what ways have your parents’ different heritage rubbed off on your personality?

The unique heritage of my parents, with my mother hailing from Lagos, embodying quintessential African values, and my father, a blend of English and Nigerian descent with a strong British influence, has profoundly shaped my personality. This amalgamation of cultural backgrounds has endowed me with a rich tapestry of perspectives, blending traditional African values with modern Western principles.

From my African mother, I inherited a sense of discipline and tradition, grounded in the values of respect, hard work, and community. Conversely, my British father introduced me to a more liberal and cosmopolitan outlook, fostering qualities of adaptability, empathy, and open-mindedness. This juxtaposition of upbringing instilled in me a balance between structure and flexibility, allowing me to navigate diverse cultural contexts with ease.

While I experienced the firm guidance of my African mother, characterized by her strictness, I also found solace in the comforting embrace of my British father, whose nurturing presence provided a counterbalance. These contrasting influences cultivated in me an openness to different perspectives, the autonomy to make informed choices, and a sense of accountability for those decisions. Overall, the amalgamation of my parents’ diverse heritage has imbued me with a nuanced understanding of cultural dynamics and a resilient adaptability in navigating life’s complexities.

What do you set to achieve with the ‘Give Back Weekend’ you organise monthly?

The objective of the ‘Give Back Weekend’ initiative is to extend crucial assistance and provisions to vulnerable individuals residing in Lagos and Ogun State, Nigeria, on a monthly basis. Originating from my endeavours in London, where I provided steadfast support to migrant families facing resource constraints due to their limited access to public funds, this initiative has now expanded its reach to encompass various demographics in Nigeria.

In Nigeria, our focus primarily lies on aiding the elderly, widows, single-parent families, and young individuals who are grappling with socio-economic challenges. This support includes the provision of clothing, toiletries, food supplies, and other essential household items. By addressing these immediate needs, we aspire to foster a sense of community cohesion and solidarity among those facing adversity, thereby fostering a more supportive and resilient societal fabric.

From your perspective, are there similarities or differences between working in the United Kingdom and Nigeria?

When comparing the dynamics of working in the United Kingdom and Nigeria, it becomes evident that there are both similarities and differences. While the fundamental principles of charity work and caregiving remain steadfast across borders, the operational landscapes, cultural intricacies, and encountered challenges diverge significantly.

Both contexts share the common objective of effecting positive societal change through charitable endeavours. However, the methods of achieving this goal may vary due to the unique circumstances of each region. One notable distinction lies in the realm of funding. In the UK, accessing financial support for charitable activities is often more accessible, with numerous organizations available for potential collaboration. In contrast, securing funding in Nigeria can pose considerable challenges, as the pool of available resources is more limited.

Additionally, the availability of volunteers differs between the two settings. In Nigeria, there is generally a greater willingness among individuals to volunteer their time and efforts for charitable causes. Conversely, recruiting volunteers in the UK may present occasional difficulties, requiring more proactive outreach efforts.

Despite these variances, the overarching commitment to making a positive impact on society remains a unifying factor across both experiences. By recognizing and adapting to the unique dynamics of each context, organizations like ourshave been able to effectively navigate challenges and maximize our contributions to the communities we serve.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

In summary, I embody resilience, compassion, and vision.

What are your likes and dislikes?

My preferences revolve around endeavours that enrich the lives of others, such as fostering positive change, empowering women, and nurturing the potential of children. Witnessing the prosperity and growth of individuals brings me immense satisfaction. Conversely, I harbour a strong aversion towards injustices, inequalities, and the needless suffering of others. Reflecting on my own experiences of vulnerability during my teenage years has fuelled my advocacy for young people, driving me to seize every opportunity to positively impact the lives of the youth I encounter.

How would you describe your sense of style?

My sense of style is reflective of my mood and occasion. While I may not be considered a fashion enthusiast, I place importance on presenting myself well, particularly at events. Describing it as sophisticated yet approachable encapsulates my preference for timeless pieces with a contemporary flair. I enjoy infusing cultural elements into my attire as a means of honouring my heritage.

Do you recall the most valuable piece of advice your father gave you and how it has stood you in good stead?

One enduring piece of advice from my father that has profoundly impacted me is the importance of maintaining authenticity, integrity, and steadfastness in all my pursuits. Regardless of the challenges I may face, his counsel to stay true to my principles and values has been a guiding light. He often reminds me of my inherent goodness and encourages me to continue embodying it through my actions.

The highly respected author, coach and motivational Speaker Anthony Robbins remains a source of inspiration for you. What are some of the things you’ve learnt from him that has helped to shape your own way of life?

Anthony Robbins, an esteemed author, coach, and motivational speaker, continues to inspire me with his profound insights. His teachings have profoundly influenced my outlook on life, instilling in me the transformative power of positive thinking, the significance of setting ambitious yet achievable goals, and the unwavering determination required to surmount challenges. Embracing Robbins’ philosophy has empowered me to navigate life with a sense of optimism, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to personal growth. As he famously said, “The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.”

How do you juggle being a wife and mother?

Balancing the roles of wife and mother with my professional obligations necessitates adept time management, clear communication, and unwavering familial support. As Anthony Robbins famously said, “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” We prioritize transparent communication within our family, delegate responsibilities, and carve out dedicated moments for quality time together, adhering to Robbins’ principle that “quality questions create a quality life.” This concerted effort fosters a harmonious equilibrium, ensuring that each aspect of my life receives the attention and nurturing it deserves.

Giving your hectic work schedule, how do you unwind and relax?

Amidst my demanding work schedule, I prioritize moments of relaxation and rejuvenation to maintain balance and well-being. I find solace in cherished moments with my family, where I am fully present and engaged, free from distractions. Additionally, I incorporate mindfulness practices such as meditation and prayer to centre myself and cultivate inner peace. Pursuing hobbies like reading, particularly through audio books, offers me a welcomed escape and mental stimulation. Occasionally, I indulge in self-care rituals such as spa treatments or serene walks in nature, recognizing the importance of nurturing my physical and emotional health amidst life’s busyness.

Is there any of your children who has exhibited traits of taking up charity work some day?

Each of my children possesses a natural inclination towards philanthropy, with my daughter demonstrating particularly strong traits indicative of potential involvement in charity work in the future. She exhibits a deep sense of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility, often advocating for human rights and speaking out against injustices. Engaging in lively discussions around current affairs and societal issues has become commonplace in our household, with my daughter consistently voicing her opinions and challenging perspectives. It appears that I have inadvertently instilled in them the values of altruism and the importance of making a positive difference in the world.

Would you still want to study Law at some point in life?

Although I am presently dedicated to my endeavours in education and charity work, I maintain a willingness to consider pursuing studies in law should circumstances permit and if it complements my overarching objectives and aspirations.

What chieftaincy titles have you been honoured with, and how do these titles reflect your dedication to philanthropy and your aspirations for societal change, particularly in Africa?

I have been honoured with numerous awards and esteemed chieftaincy titles, including Yeye Shewa, Erelu Fimogboye, and Yeye Amuludun, among others. My commitment to effecting positive change extends globally, with a particular focus on improving the lives of children and young people worldwide.

I remain steadfast in my philanthropic pursuits, dedicated to aiding the marginalized and vulnerable who are often overlooked. Looking ahead, I aspire to amplify my impact as a catalyst for change, particularly within the African continent, striving to foster transparency and integrity within its political landscape.

What are your future projections and how fulfilled are you at the moment?

Looking ahead, my aspirations involve furthering the scope and influence of my charitable initiatives, championing causes of social justice and equity, and fostering empowerment within marginalized communities, particularly among women and children. I envision myself as a catalyst for change in Africa, advocating for transparency and reform within the political sphere. Presently, I derive a sense of fulfilment from the impact I am making in the lives of others and remain steadfast in my commitment to effecting positive change. However, I recognize that there is still much more that I can contribute, and I am eager to continue pushing boundaries and maximizing my potential to effect meaningful transformation.

What would you like to be remembered for?

I would like to be remembered for my dedication to humanity, my efforts to uplift the lives of others, and my role in shaping a more compassionate and equitable society for future generations.


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