A bullet for your ear (3)


Continued from Saturday, June 24, 2023

The chief judge presiding over the case, Emmanuel Olaosebikan, did not mince words when he sentenced Muda and 10 other members of his gang to death by firing squad. Muda broke down and wept in the court’s premises.

Wonders shall never cease. It was a dramatic surprise to people at the court’s premises to see the kingpin of a robbery gang weeping like a baby. So, people who take delight in making others cry could shed tears when their time is up?

Exactly a month later, Muda and his gang were taken out of Kirikiri Maximum Prisons to face death at the firing range. A lot of crowd had gathered at the Kirikiri firing range that January 12 to witness the killing of the 11 – member armed robbery gang. People numbering close to a thousand had gathered since the early morning with curiosity and anxiety written all over their faces.

The armed robbers, with Muda leading in the front, stepped down from the Black Maria van about 10:45 a.m. They were in chains and handcuffs. A couple of minutes later they were tied to the stakes to face hot bullets. Gun-wielding soldiers were positioned smartly opposite the condemned men and were eager to silence the notorious armed robbers. All the while Muda was shaking trembling and crying at the stakes. The other members were just silent and waited patiently for the last order from the commandant at the firing range.

A priest appeared at the scene and moved towards each member of the gang, praying and asking them their last wishes and requests. Some of the members just mumbled inaudible words; others shook their heads sideways signifying nothing. Unbelievably, when it got to the turn of Muda he sighed, looked up and down and gazed penetratingly at the huge crowd.

“Pastor, I’ll like to have a word with that tall woman wearing brown Ankara over there,” he said.
“Who’s she to you?” The man of God asked really surprised.
“She’s my mum,” Muda answered quickly.

“Woman,” the priest called, “your son wants to have a word with you.” Muda’s mum was shocked and confused, her legs became so heavy and her whole body felt bloodless instantly. She didn’t know how on earth Muda spotted her amid the large crowd. She moved forward with trembling and numbed senses. The whole crowd wondered what was happening.

“Mama,” Muda whispered when his mum was within earshot, “let me tell you a secret.”
“What is it?” his mum answered, moving closer.

“You see, I am…” Muda opened his mouth, bared his teeth and in a second bit off the right ear of his mum! Blood spurted all over the woman within seconds. Muda’s mother was dripping with blood as the crowd roared in disbelief and shock.

Mrs. Afolabi’s right ear was at that moment in Muda’s mouth; he continued chewing it while the woman writhed in pains and anguish, screaming: “Yee! Yee!! Yeeee!!! I have no ear again! Almighty God!” she continued crying.

The woman was led away by the black-robed priest. The ground was soaked with blood and the crowd was stunned at the bizarre drama that had just taken place. Two minutes afterwards, there was marching and deft movements by the soldiers and they pumped volleys of hot bullets into the stomach and chest of the condemned armed robbers. They all died unceremoniously. That was the price to pay for evil.

Till today, Mrs. Afolabi, Muda’s mum, goes about without her ear. The memory of her over-pampered late son still haunts her. She is now a very sad woman; she avoids the gathering of her former friends. People taunt and mock her as the one-eared mother of a notorious criminal.


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