A big lesson from 2023 General Election

[FILE} People cast their vote during an election in Nigeria. Joshua Olufemi, the founder of Dataphyte Foundation, has emphasised the importance of data and technology for enhanced electoral monitoring in Africa.
[FILE} People cast their vote during an election in Nigeria. Joshua Olufemi, the founder of Dataphyte Foundation, has emphasised the importance of data and technology for enhanced electoral monitoring in Africa.
Voters during the last general elections

Sir: Poverty is not genetically mutated from any family; poverty is a bastard allowed and incentivised by circumstances like poverty of reasoning, laziness, escapable incapacitation, etc.

Destiny, to me, sometimes is not luck; it is our individual choice. Some of us were born in poverty, but poverty wasn’t born in us (apology to Rev. Jesse Jackson). And some of our people, out of religious gullibility and deliberate ignorance, allow poverty to be born in them.

Poverty is one of the instruments of oppression used by religious and authoritarian leaders to rule followers’ minds. Poverty isn’t limited to physical and structural nuances and does not respect our level of education.

The poverty of mind makes people lose their senses and blame religions for laziness, ignorance, and shared stupidity. The mind is a terrible thing to waste! It is high time Nigerian religious scammers, marabouts, urchins, etc., stopped the manipulation of their gullible followers.

The 2023 general election, particularly the presidential election, exposed the shame, manipulation, ridicule, and embarrassment the religious leaders brought to their faithful religious supporters; and spiritual shoppers of truths grocery for their authentic gods—lies, treacheries, manipulations, hate, deceit, falsehoods, and duplicity of ignorance were openly traded and trafficked against an individual.

Today, the true God we worship elevated the individual they openly maligned and insulted with gifted insults to the position of exultation and self-actualisation.

The wired minds will stop at nothing to defend their political and religious oppressors – they’re symbiotically corded to their enterprising religious gnomes and gamesmanship.

The gullible and deliberate ignorant faithful enable their spiritual masters to swindle them deliberately; their masters are sweet talkers and de-motivational speakers demonstrating spiritual craziness and idiocy.

Religions are supposed to be tools for human mental GPS, guidance, and spiritual rejuvenation. Still, the colonial mentality of our people and the penchant for material acquisition, and instant gratification, has made religions culprits. Instead of blaming religions for our collective poverty and state of mind, we should blame ourselves for our self-predicaments in Nigeria.

In reality, from the shenanigans displayed by our political, ethnic, and religious leaders, if by now, we, the people, have not learned from the manipulations and opportunistic tendencies of our spiritual and political leaders, we shouldn’t expect any growth and development in the nascent political dispensation.

Hypothetically, even if Jesus Christ or Prophet Muhammad (PBUT—Peace Be Upon Them) comes to rule Nigeria today, they will suffer from governing the contradictory, ungodly, and impious minds of the impoverished ‘religious’ Nigerians.

To be assertive and unpretentious, we must not expect progressive miracles from the new government if we do not change our collective ways of life. The new political dispensation is an excellent opportunity for us to cooperate with a prepared President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

President Tinubu is a man who has been ready from day one. As an astute Awoist, President Tinubu is not unaware of the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo’s political ingenuity and policy wonk.

Tinubu made his visionary decision to rule Nigeria sacrosanct, and I do not doubt that President Tinubu is a focused man and a go-getter and bootstrapper. Listening to President Tinubu’s inaugural speech and analysing all the nuances of governance in the discourse, we must not miss this yet another defining moment in our lives in Nigeria.

Now, God is exposing the religious manipulators—and shame unto their religious fundamentalists, gullible followers, and unrepentant enablers ‘hallelujahing and salaming’ their GOs in their synagogues of lies and deceit.

We mustn’t stop pounding the minds of our unsuspecting denizens nestled in the milking sanctuaries of their spiritual Daddies, GOs, and mind marauders. We must wake ourselves up with honest correctable postures and from self-preservation of blissful ignorance. Moreover, our Nigerian Pastorenuers and Alfanuers are spiritual buccaneers and religious brigandage, pretentious fornicators, grandstanders, vultures, throat-cutters, mind-eaters, etc.

Ruefully, In God’s Name Plc., they rob impoverished Peters to pay their Pauls’ pockets and bank accounts. We must make Nigeria not a hub for their spiritual entrepreneurship again.

These fake religious leaders and their political jobbers must begin to japa from Nigeria. They must allow those of us in the diaspora who have japa-ed for greener pastures in foreign lands to start to sapa(da) back to Nigeria to rescue our Homeland.  President BAT, you hear me?
• Yahaya Balogun wrote from Arizona, USA.


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