6 Ways To Rise Without Coffee

coffee. Photo Ledger Insights

We have all been there when we wake up in the morning feeling like zombies or feel like you are sleepwalking. In order to kick start the day, many end up reaching out for caffeine beverages to do the magic of being wide awake. A lot of people want to feel energised because of the stress they have to deal with. Therefore, they grab the nearest caffeine source they can get.

According to a dietician and nutrition expert Nancy Z. Farrell Allen implies that coffee can cause an irritable stomach. For some with cardiac issues, it can increase their heart rate.

With all of these, one can have disrupted sleep patterns that hinders a stable and a good night’s rest.

If you are thinking of giving up caffeine and wondering how to get your day started, here are tips on how to rise that leaves you nervous-free.

  1.   Practise 5-minute yoga routine

A 5-minutes yoga routine will spike the much-needed energy level. This is because yoga improves the circulation of blood in the body and additionally loosens the stiffness of the body. This routine will help set in the right tone to start the morning without relying on coffee. Another research done at the University of Waterloo found that practicing yoga invigorates the mind which leads to the release of endorphins and increased blood flow.

Experts say that movements that involve getting your arms up over your head or  stretching the backs of your legs, hurry up the heart rate will help to increase energy. 

“Waking up in the morning in my youth, my mother would sometimes notice my sluggishness and say, ‘OK, 10 jumping jacks to wake you up,'” Farrell Allen said. 

  1. Go outdoors

Another tip is to take the body and mind outside to nature. These outdoor walks involve movements that are natural to give a longer boost of energy, longer than what coffee can give. With this, there are double benefits as the heart rate increases and the visit to nature gives a much needed shift in perspective with the chill of the morning to wake your body up.

  1. Play upbeat music

This might appear too much to deal with first thing in the morning but listening to upbeat music in the morning can help in getting you up and especially if this is done while exercising.

High tempo music that is around 170 heartbeats per minute is said to boost the mood before exercise. According to a 2020 study published in the journal Frontiers of Psychology, it reduces the pain and fatigue that comes with exercising hence this boosting endurance level.

Close-up of a woman drinking water from a bottle
  1. Stay Hydrated

Have you noticed that when you wake up one of the first things you reach out for is a cup of water? This is because after a night’s sleep, the body tends to lack hydration. Joan Koelemay, RD, a dietitian for the Beverage Institute says, 

“Think of water as a nutrient your body needs that is present in liquids, plain water, and foods. All of these are essential daily to replace the large amounts of water lost each day,” 

Water is essential for proper functioning of the brain and the body. When organs like the kidney have to work in an insufficiently hydrated environment, this spikes the cost of energy exerted.

It is advised that a cup of water is a healthy way to get you kicking.

  1. Aromatherapy

The smell of scented plant extracts will be a perfect replacement from the coffee smell. These essential oils are used for remedial inhalation, massage or baths.

  1. Eat smart

A rich dose of healthy fats, protein, and fibre-rich sources of carbohydrates fuels sugar to the blood in a slow pace, meaning that the one gets a longer lasting energy.



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