3 Reasons Why Communication Is Key To Every Relationship

Unlike the novels, you cannot convey words through your eyes and seeing as you are not a supernatural being, you cannot read your partners mind. So what do you do? Communicate!!.

Here are 3 reasons why every relationship needs a good communication system.

  1. To avoid misunderstandings: Several fights in a relationship occur because of misunderstandings and then the plate is filled with pride, anger and hurt all because of a simple misunderstanding. But bear this in mind, there will be no misunderstanding if there had been proper communication, so keep the communication waves open.
  2. To increase intimacy: Intimacy isn’t just about sex, it is more than sex, it is about being so close, so connected with your partner that you know the things your partner can and can’t do. That level of intimacy can only be achieved when the communication system in the relationship has been properly explored, there is honesty, comfort, vulnerability, stability, maturity and every other thing that would keep a relationship going.
  3. To build a stronger relationship: This is the ultimate goal for every couple, to have a strong relationship, one that can stand the test of time. Communication makes it possible for you to have just that. With communication your partner is in the loop as regards your life and choices, communication is ultimately the rock on which every good relationship is built.

If you feel you have been communicating and you’re still not getting through to you partner, bear this in mind that communication is a two way stree, you need to be able to talk as well as listen and alway understand the point of view of your partner.


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