5 Incredible Facts About Breast Milk You Probably Didn’t Know

Woman giving breast milk to baby. Photo – Pexels/Mehmet Turgut

Breast milk is one of nature’s most remarkable substances, but many people are unaware of just how amazing it truly is. As researchers continue to study this liquid gold, new and fascinating facts about breast milk are constantly emerging. 

Here are some incredible breastmilk facts that may surprise you:

1. Breast milk changes over time

The composition of a mother’s breast milk is not static. It actually changes over the course of a feeding, over the course of a day, and even over the course of a baby’s development. Early in a feeding, it is higher in fat and nutrients to satisfy the baby’s initial hunger. As the feeding progresses, the milk becomes thinner and richer in lactose to quench the baby’s thirst. It also evolves as the baby grows, with the proportions of fat, protein, lactose, and immune factors adjusting to meet the child’s changing needs.

2. It boosts brain development

Closeup of a mother breastfeeding. Photo – Pexels/Serdi Nam

Recent studies have shown that breastfed infants experience enhanced brain development compared to formula-fed babies. The milk contains important nutrients like cholesterol, human milk oligosaccharides, and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are crucial for optimal brain growth and cognitive function. Breastfed babies have been found to score higher on intelligence tests later in childhood.

READ ALSO: Empowering Working Mothers Through Breastfeeding Support

3. It can prevent allergies

It contains antibodies and other immune factors that can help protect infants from developing allergies. Studies have found that babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life have a lower risk of developing food allergies, asthma, and eczema compared to formula-fed infants. The immune-boosting properties of breastmilk may train a baby’s immune system to properly respond to harmless substances.

4. Breast milk adjusts to baby’s needs

A newborn being breastfed. Photo – Pixabay/ Lallasamm

Amazingly, a mother’s breast milk actually changes in composition to meet the specific needs of her individual baby. For example, if a baby is born prematurely, the mother’s milk will have higher amounts of protein, fat, and antibodies to support the baby’s accelerated growth and development. It can also adjust based on the time of day, the baby’s health status, and even the baby’s gender.

5. It helps with infant skin conditions 

Breastfeeding. Photo – Pexels/Mateus Dach

In 2015, researchers published a study that compared the use of breast milk versus 1% hydrocortisone cream for treating atopic eczema and diaper dermatitis (diaper rash) in infants.

The results showed that the infants who used breast milk had significantly greater improvements in their skin symptoms compared to the hydrocortisone group. Researchers found it more effective at reducing inflammation, promoting healing, and providing long-lasting relief for eczema and diaper rash. Additionally, the breast milk group reported no adverse side effects, unlike the potential risks associated with repeated use of topical steroids like hydrocortisone.

These are just a few of the many astonishing facts about the incredible substance that is breast milk. As researchers continue to study this remarkable fluid, we will undoubtedly uncover even more ways in which it is uniquely suited to nurture and protect our little ones.


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