3 Things You Need To Know About Oil Rinsing

Hey guys! Trust our week went great. Happy New month. Today I want to talk about oil rinsing.

Oil rinsing is basically using oil to rinse/treat your hair during washes. It is a technique used to help lock in and also add moisture into the hair. It’s done in the shower during your regular washing of hair. It’s like the LOC method in a way. There are many ways to oil rinse the hair. The usual way is shampoo first, then add your oil, section by section, detangling carefully with it, making sure it penetrates and touches every part of the hair, let it sit for 5/10 minutes, and then rinse out with water alone or you can add your conditioner as usual then rinse out with water.

Why Do We Oil Rinse?

We oil rinse because it adds shine to our hair, it also adds moisture to our hair, if we suffer from dry scalp/hair, oil rinses are the best way to revitalize our hair and keep dryness at bay. Oil rinsing also softens our hair. It also helps us to easily detangle our hair. It also prevents single strand knots from forming. It helps our curls last longer and helps with moisture retention. It also helps us to prevent frizz. Oil rinsing is necessary and very helpful.

Oils To Use.

Coconut oil: This makes hair crunchy during cold seasons so it’s best to use coconut oil during hot and warm seasons.

Castor oil:  Is really good because it helps with stimulating growth.

Avocado oil: It binds to water well, helping us lock in moisture,

Grapeseed oil:  Moisturizes and is light.

Jojoba oil:  It resembles the sebum our scalp produces.

Melted Shea butter: It is also advisable because it softens hair immediately.

Almond and olive oil too can be used.


How To Oil Rinse.

We can do oil rinsing without a shampoo first, that means we can do it during a cowash, using the oil first and then conditioner.
We can also do oil rinsing on its own, that means we can oil rinse and use warm water to rinse out and then use a towel or old t shirt to blot out excess water and oil. Note that oil rinsing is very different from a prepoo. A prepoo is a treatment we do before we wash.

We can also oil rinse by mixing our oil and conditioner together. So, shampoo first, then the mixture and then rinse out with water. This gives us soft, luscious, easy to detangle hair. Also it won’t feel heavy afterwards, which is what oil rinsing on its own can do.

If you oil rinse alone, that’s oil and then water, it’s necessary to wash a week after if not buildup can occur. Also do not oil rinse too often without a shampoo wash because of buildup.

If you have eczema, dandruff, etc on your scalp, you should not oil rinse because it would irritate your scalp more. Also find out what technique works best for you and stick with it. That’s why there are different ways to oil rinse.

We should all include oil rinsing into our regimen. It’ll give our hair the boost it needs. If we have any questions, please use the comments section and you can also ask us questions on Twitter @kinkyparadiseng.

Thank you for reading. Peace, love and shiny hair. Oil Rinsing



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