26-year-old man jailed for stealing N13.5 million diaper

• Another 26-year-old arraigned for stealing windows

For stealing a trailer load of Softcare diaper worth N13.5 million, a Lagos Magistrates’ Court, sitting in Ogba has sentenced 26-year-old man, Henry Chinedu, to four and a half years imprisonment.

Magistrate Lateef Owolabi found him guilty as charged and sentenced him. The convict was charged on a three-counts of conspiracy, stealing and breach of peace.

The Magistrate found him guilty of all charges. However, the defendant was given an option of N200, 000 fine for conspiracy, three years imprisonment or fine of another N200, 000 for stealing and six months imprisonment or N10, 000 fine for breach of peace.

The Magistrate however, said that his sentences should run concurrently and that the defendant should restitute the said items to the complainant, Mr. Okuoromi Ehighamhe.

Magistrate Owolabi said: “I have critically evaluated the entire facts presented by the prosecution vis a vis Section 213 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Law (ACJL). I am satisfied with the facts presented by the prosecution. They are detailed, cogent and helpful. The narration by the prosecution supports the charge and is in tandem with the intendments of the law. The admission of guilt and confessions of the defendant are direct, positive and unequivocal. This type of offence needs to be curtailed. I am of the view that any punishment devoid of custody sentencing shall be inappropriate.
There is the strong need to send a firm message to the defendant in particular and the society at large in this regard,” he said.

The magistrate said that convict had prayed for leniency, noting that the stolen items had been recovered.

The prosecutor, SP Josephine Ikhayere, had told the court that the convict, sometime in August 2022, conspired with others at large to steal the goods.

He said their offences are contrary to Sections 411, 173 and 287 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.

Meanwhile, another 26-year-old man, Fandi David was arraigned before Magistrate O.O Fajana for stealing aluminum windows worth N5.525, 000 million.

He was arraigned on a three-count-charge of conspiracy, stealing and burglary.
He pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The prosecutor, Inspector, Funmi Akinleye, told the court that the defendant and others still at large committed the offences on January 16, 2023 at Awolowo Way, Ikeja.

Akinleye said that the defendant burgled an office apartment on the third floor of a building and stole 24 aluminum glass windows worth N5.525, 000 million, property of one Dr. Obafunso Peter.

His offences contravene Section 411, 280 and 287 (7) of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.

Following the plea of the defendant, Magistrate (Mrs) Fajana granted him bail in the sum of N500, 000 with two sureties in like sum.

She adjourned the case to February 27, 2023 for mention.


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