Any number of things, some physical and some psychological can cause low libido in both men and women. Sometimes it is both. Heren are some ways to boost your libido.

Try eating chocolate
Chocolate promotes the release of the chemicals phenethylamine and serotonin into your body. This can produce some aphrodisiac and mood-lifting effects.

Include garlic in your diet
Garlic contains high levels of allicin, which increases blood flow. These effects may help men with erectile dysfunction (ED).

Boost your self-confidence
You can boost your self-esteem and your sex drive by shifting the focus from your flaws to your attributes. You can also focus on the pleasure experienced during sex.

Get plenty of sleep
Being busy makes it difficult to make time for sex. Boost your energy and sex drive by taking naps when you can and eating a healthy diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates.

If natural methods are not helping, consider speaking to a doctor that can help you through the journey of experiencing the best sex you deserve.

SOURCE: Healthline



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