21 Chibok girls returned with 34 kids

Chibok-girls. Photo:The Nation

•U.S. pledges support for anti-terrorism fight
Ten years after the abduction of 276 teenagers from Chibok Girls Secondary School in Borno State, a report, at the weekend, revealed that 21 of the freed ladies returned with 34 children.

Released by the Murtala Muhammed Foundation (MMF) to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the incident, the document affirmed the sexual violence and forced marriages the girls endured while in captivity.

Also, the report hinted that 48 parents have died since the abduction, besides widespread psychological trauma for survivors and families.

Chief Executive Officer of MMF, Dr. Aisha Muhammad-Oyebode, in a virtual presentation, stated that her organisation has made 10 fundamental recommendations, urging the Nigerian government and the international community to collaborate on their execution.

The suggestions include enhanced security measures; community empowerment programmes; psychological support services in danger zones; education initiatives; legal reforms; transparent communication; humanitarian aid and development assistance; women’s empowerment programmes and early warning systems for security threats.

She stated: “In the 10 years since the Chibok kidnapping caused global outrage, very little has changed in Nigeria, where kidnapping is still as prevalent, if not worse than a decade ago.

“As Nigeria’s kidnapping epidemic shows no signs of slowing, we urge the Nigerian authorities and the international community to take concrete steps to address the underlying drivers of conflict, extremism and violence against women and girls, which include widespread poverty, instability and a lack of economic opportunities.

“The report found that 91 out of the 276 schoolgirls remain unaccounted for.

“The report also revealed that 21 of the Chibok girls, who were released, returned with 34 children, serving as a devastating confirmation of the sexual violence and coerced marriages they endured while in captivity.”
ON the occasion, the United States government has pledged support for the country’s fight against terrorism.

In a statement spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria, Aishah Gambari, the American nation reiterated its stance to assist survivors and their families, adding that the U.S.-Nigeria partnership is built on shared values and common goals.

The statement reads in part: “We will continue to work together to promote peace, security and stability in the region, as well as support initiatives that foster education, economic growth and human rights.

“As we mark one decade since this terrible act, we reaffirm our support for the survivors, their families, and all those affected by terrorism.

“The United States stands with Nigeria in its fight against extremism and its commitment to creating a safer and more prosperous future for all its people.”


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