2027: ADC calls for coalition to save Nigeria 

ADC nationalchairman, Ralphs Okey Nwosu.

African Democratic Congress has expressed its willingness to join forces with patriotic Nigerians to salvage the country from what it describes as bad governance and a “palliative system of government”.

Speaking at a World Press Conference at the ADC Global Campus, in Abuja, the National Chairman of the party, Ralph Nwosu, stated that ADC was committed to building a new Nigeria that would lead the country out of its present abyss.

“We have, therefore, set up committees to consult far and wide to ensure the dawn of a new era. To all our colleagues in nation-building, it is no longer time to go home; we take action by agreeing to build together for our people and country,” he said.

According to him, President Bola Tinubu should immediately stop the corruption of the palliative regime and make support available to youth and women entrepreneurs, farmers and industrialists to power the economy and provide jobs.

He said: “Our security operatives need much-needed support to wipe out banditry and restore security. This will give confidence to investors, foreign and local.

“Finally, for the umpteenth time, we call on our governors to stop their stranglehold of the local councils to enable development at the grassroots and community levels.”

“For real development and transformation, the local councils must be alive and well.”

Nwosu disclosed that 22 of the thoughtful and proactive leaders of political parties have joined hands with ADC and resolved to work with all political leaders across the country, who appreciate the need for coming together for a new Nigeria.

He condemned the palliative policy of the Federal Government, saying it is fraught with corruption and reduces Nigerians to the level of refugees.

Nwosu further criticised the government for worsening the plight of the common man, saying: “As though the revenues from the 450 per cent increase in the price of PMS is not enough to maintain their lavish lifestyle, reckless policy regime and mindlessness, they have put the entire country into another hiking of tax and electricity tariffs.”

He warned that it had resulted in the flight or closure of many manufacturing companies.

“We blame everybody but ourselves. We continue to hope that all will be well. We hope; but hope alone is insufficient. Action, not hope, is what we need to restructure and resolve our polity, democracy and nation-building enterprise,” Nwosu declared.


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