2024 Bullion Lecturer commends President Tinubu for human capital dev’t, students loan act

President Ahmed Bola Tinubu has been commended for developing the human capital of Nigerians as Governor of Lagos State.

Vice Chancellor of the University of Calabar, Prof. Florence Obi, stated this while Delivering the 2024 Bullion Lecture of the Centre for Financial Journalism with the theme “Human Capital Development: Catalyst for Nigeria’s Prosperity” in Lagos state, Nigeria.

The speaker who saw human capital development as the empowerment of and investment in people to reach their full potentials both personally and professionally, said President Tinubu was exceptional in that as Governor.

She said that those so empowered by him have contributed immensely to eventual productivity and prosperity of the nation.

She attributed the president’s emergence as the party’s candidate and victory at the polls to the human capital he developed over the years.

Citing the didactic Chinese Proverb that advised those who are planning for a life time to plant people rather than rice or tree, Prof. Obi said human capital is about planting people for a life time as against planting people for a decade.

According to the speaker, the President succeeded against all odds because of the sheer number of human capital he developed 24 years ago when he was governor.

She advised those who are planning for a lifetime to plant people rather than amassing wealth. Prof. Obi said some who were governors at the same time with Mr President had fizzled out because they trusted more in their amassed wealth by failing to develop people.

Obi emphasized that the nation’s greatest asset is not our abundant oil or mineral resources, it’s not our vast land and forests but people. She called on the government to adequately invest in developing the human capital of all including women, the youth, the vulnerable and persons with disabilities.

The erudite Professor of Special Needs Education also commended President Tinubu for signing the Student loans (Access to Higher Education) (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill 2024.

She maintained that the act is of historic proportion as it seeks to guarantee sustainable education and the development of functional skills for Nigerian students and youth.

She however, pleaded that more funds be invested in the loans scheme for millions of Nigerian students to benefit.


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