2023: ‘I rather lose election than to lose life during my campaign’, Says ADP Guber candidate

… As Candidates sign peace bond in Kano

The Kano gubernatorial candidate of Action Democratic Party (ADP), Ibrahim Sha’aban Sharada says his ambition to become the next governor in Kano does not worth the life of any individual.

Sharada, a serving member of house of representatives, representing Kano Municipal, says he would rather preferred to lose at the poll than to record any casualty before and during of elections.

The ACP candidate made the commitment on Wednesday when he joined candidates from other parties to sign peace accord on the 2023 election in Kano. Sharada declared that despite incessant attack and provocative attempt against his campaign train, he directed party supporters to resist retaliation.

” Let me make it excessively clear that I am fully committed to the peace pack signed and I have directed and warned my supporters to maintain peace because I don’t believe someone must be killed for me to be governor. In fact I will rather preferred to lose my ambition than for someone to die during my campaign.

” Although, we have had several attacks on my campaign train at Madobi and Gaya, but I have asked my campaign team to maintain peace. For us at ADP, we are pledged to peaceful election and I hope other candidates will follow suit”. Shaaba noted.

The gubernatorial candidate of New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), Abba Kabiru Yusuf challenged the security apparatus and Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to ensure neutral among parties.

Yusuf, stressed that until, the police and INEC play their constitutional role devoid of sentiment, the dream of free, credible and acceptable conduct of 2023 poll may be a thoughtful mirage. Although, the NNPP candidate pledged commitment to the peace accord, he wondered why previous exercise failed to yield desire result.

Similarly, the deputy gubernatorial candidate of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) Murtala Sule Garo stressed readiness to sustain peaceful atmosphere before and during election, adding that responsible candidate must place first the interest of Kano above personal interest.

On their parts, candidates of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Muhammad Abacha, Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) Salihu Tanko Yakasai, Labour Party, Engr. Bashir I. Bashir, Social Democratic Party (SDP), Bala Gogoruwa all committed to exhibit decorum in their campaign.

Convener, Kano Peace Committee, Ambassador Ibrahim Waiya the Kano Peace Committee in collaboration with National Peace Committee and the Kukah centre organized the stakeholders dialogue meeting and signing of Peace accord for gubernatorial candidates in Kano State

Waiya noted the intent of the peace accord is to promote peace before, during and after elections, similarly the 1st and 2nd signing organized. He emphasized that though no legal instrument bind the signatories of the accord, he maintained that candidates are moral inclined to with the details of the document.

Part of the dictates of the agreement include acceptance of the outcome of the election and, in the case of disagreement, candidates are rather advice to seek all legal means to project grievances.


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